Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Does it ever go smooth and easy?


Well, it did when transferring data from my old iPhone to the new.  And then for Joan's phone.  But, the process is proving to be a pain in the ass with the new iPad... well, to be fair, mostly with getting the old iPad to transfer the data.  It has taken 3 restarts and a lot of fussing with settings to get it to this point...

And now that I finally got them to talk to each other, the new one needs to download the latest iOS before it will go any further.  It said, "14 minutes," about a half hour ago... and still downloading.  Then, of course, it will restart... and no telling where I'll be in the process at that point.  New technology is fun.  Not.

I keep telling myself it will all be better when I get through this "Quick Start"... whoever came up with that name is full of crap.

Look - it is actually transferring!  One in a row!

It started at "Time remaining: 36 minutes"... and now after about 15 minutes, it is down to "52 minutes."  Must be organized by the same people who brought us Daylight Saving Time.  For a while, the two iPads were agreeing on a Time Remaining... now, they're arguing about it.

While waiting for the download to countdown, I opened one of the accessories I bought for this new iPad: Apple calls it the "Magic Keyboard"...

That's it on the right, next to my MacBook Pro.  Looks small by comparison.  The iPad Air looks small compared to my old iPad Pro (which is about the same size as the MacBook).  Apple likes to use the name "Pro" on some of its products... you do not have to be a "professional" to purchase this on an iPhone, a MacBook, an iPad, or even AirPods - you just have to be willing to spend more for it.  Much like this "Magic Keyboard"... I tried to pull a rabbit out of it - didn't happen.  Joan wouldn't let me try to saw her in half with this keyboard.  As near as I can tell, the keyboard (which does connect to the iPad in a cool way) magically removes more money from your bank account.  Yes, you can use an iPad without a keyboard - Joan does that all the time with hers.  I am rather tuned in to using the keyboard and trackpad on my MacBook Pro, so I appreciate having something similar for the iPad.  On the bright side, this "Magic Keyboard" feels more like the keyboard on the MacBook, which is a greatt improvement over the keyboard I got for the old iPad Pro.  (Yes, you'd think if it was "Pro" equipment, it would come with a keyboard.)

We are making progress: an hour after it said, "Time remaining: 36 minutes" for the download, it is down to only 23 minutes remaining.  It's "magic"! Oh, wait - it is staying on 23 minutes.  For the last 4 or 5 minutes.  It must be like a "watched pot."  So, that's fun.  Again, not.  Only 5 minutes for it to go down to 22 minutes remaining.  And 3 minutes later, it's down to 21.  I guess I should be happy that it is slowly counting down rather than gaining time.  I guess I should not have written that; 2 minutes after it went down to 20, it went back up to 21.  It's magic.  And the two iPads are disagreeing on the time again.


Back  home again - and now to re-enter passwords… this shouldn’t take more than an hour or twelve.

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