Monday, February 27, 2023

Pain in the a...


Um, butt.  "Something to do with the RV park neighbors, the traffic, or the weather?" you ask.  Well, those things are what they are.  It actually got pretty decent this afternoon.  After getting in a trip to Costco and lunch out, we were back mid-afternoon.  It was 63º and sunny; the wind wasn't howling.  After over a month of not riding my bicycle, I decided to uncover and unlock the bikes and go for a ride.

After not riding for that long, I knew my ass would feel it.  I rode all around the RV park; since we are near the front of the park, I really didn't know what to expect.  About 2 miles, when you ride on every street.  And, a few RVs that look like they have seen better days.  There is a sign up front letting people know that they are "no sites available tonight."

With only two miles of riding here in the park, I rode out onto the road in front of the RV park and took the narrow space outside the white line on the edge of the road... not really a bike lane.  South a short ways to the large mobile home park "next door."  It looks to be a LOT bigger than this RV park... it is mostly double-wide and modular homes, and is nicely kept up, and some actual grass in areas.

I got a bit over 7 miles in on the bike.  Not feeling it right now, but I probably will later.  Not in the leg muscles, but(t) a bit higher.

When I got back, I took Rufus for a nice walk.  Down the street a ways, there was a couple sitting out in camp chairs, with a small poodle-ish dog.  As we got close, he scooped up the dog, apparently concerned that Rufus might attack it.  I let them know that Rufus was "dog friendly" (my usual line) and he said, "She has never even seen a cat before."

"Well, this is a good one if you want to let her meet a cat."  He let the dog down, and Rufus came up to get nose-to-nose with it.  I could tell it was an older dog, but Rufus was especially gentle with it (he was probably 3 times her size).

The guy got a little teary-end and told me they had to put down their other dog just three weeks ago, and this dog was really missing its sibling (this dog is 12 years old).  Sad situation, but Rufus left a good impression.  He's a good boy.


Pat Anderson said...

Patty here. We are at the point where must consider it might be Baxter's time. His issues are getting worse and congestive heart failure is a painful way to go. He'll be 17 May 4.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Pat and Patty, we are so sorry to hear this. Having "been there" in the past, you have to consider what is best for our fur babies. They depend on us to take care of them, and it is a selfless act to do this final act of kindness for them. I have always said that they will let me know when it is time. And each time it is heartbreaking to say those good-byes. Know you have given Baxter a great life, and in return he has been a wonderful companion and family member for you two.

It is a damn shame that their lifespans are so much shorter than ours. When we were grieving, a friend once told me: "Their lives are shorter than ours so we can know the pleasure of having several furry family members during our lives. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but you go into a pet adoption knowing what their lifespan will likely be. It absolutely tore my heart out when our sweet Izzy let me know it was time.

I told Rufus about Baxter; he said, "Baxter sounds like a very good boy."
