Thursday, February 23, 2023



No, I wasn't arrested.  As far as I know, there are no witnesses, and if there were, I didn't do it, and you can't prove nuthin'!

Sorry... I guess I was a bit touchy there.  Today was "school picture day" and no, Joan and I did not go back to school.  But, Blaine, the Guide Dog for the Blind In Training got his photo taken...

 Steph sent me the file and I lowered the contrast and added the name, year, and the line (in a color to match his vest).  With the lines in the background, Joan said, "It looks like a Police mugshot - just needs some height numbers alongside him."  Yes, I could add those... but, I didn't.

A busy day for Blaine today: besides the regular socialization in school, and then getting his school photo taken, he is headed across town this evening for the weekly gathering of the Guide Dog group Steph and Dan belong to.  Since it has been a while since he got his rabies shot, he is now good to attend the meetings with them.

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