Sunday, February 19, 2023

Ride, Captain, Ride...


If you said, "Blues Image, 1970," you get 20 bonus points.  If you said, "Did you finally get out for a ride?" you are right!  Seems like it has been a long time.  Because it has been over a week.  Don't believe that "Oh, it's so hot in the desert," crap.  It is about 6 months out of the year; about 2 months, it's mostly pleasant, and the other 4 months, it's cold overnight, cold in the morning, and sometimes OK during the daylight hours.

We were meeting Steph and Dan for pizza, so we had a couple hours to just tool around on the bikes.  We rode south to Hwy 85, east to Cotton Lane, south into the Estrella Mountain area, east to PIR (Phoenix International Raceway), then back west to Verrado Way, north into Verrado, then east to the Mod Pizza (that Steph and Dan didn't know was there) just east of Verrado.  It was a good ride for us, then some good pizza (we haven't tried it before - tasty!) and good company.  We made this our get-together with Steph and Dan for the day.  (The main reason we are out here in the desert.)

No, I didn't shoot any photos or video.  Our main goal was to get in a ride and try to avoid traffic as much as possible.  We are going to Steph and Dan's house this afternoon (with Rufus again), and I hope to get another ride in before we go.  Because man does not live by pizza alone - you also need to ride.

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