Monday, May 13, 2024

A different form of "tag"...


Sitting out on our patio this morning, enjoying the cool start to the day.  It is forecast to get to 100º later... it is important to take advantage of the cool while you can.  It is the 3 of us out there: Joan, Murphy, and me.

Murph gets to wander while one of us keeps an eye on him.  I don't think he is a flight risk, but we still watch what he is doing... and occasionally get up to "steer him back" to where we can see him.  When Joan and I are sitting on the patio couch and chairs, we each have a different view.  As Murph walks around, the conversation goes along these lines: "Can you see him?"  "Yes, he's over in front of the shed."  "He went to the other side of the hot-tub; I can't see him, can you?"  "Yep, I've got him."  "He went to the other side of the tall table, can you see him?"  "Yes, he's sitting between the chairs."  "He went behind the shed - it's your turn to get him back out here."  "Got it."  "There he is - you're up for keeping an eye."

It's a bit like a game of tag.  Since we are sitting facing different directions, one of us generally has an eye on him.  But, the boy moves around a lot.

It takes a village.  Well, a small village.  A small, watchful village.

 Tag?  Well, maybe more like a police surveillance operation.  ;-)


Out for a morning ride before it gets hot.  A short timelapse view of the ride...


Earl49 said...

Ah yes -- cat on deck, someone must be on watch. We've had friends who had two Maine Coon cats on their 46 foot Liberty sailboat in Alaska, so we know the drill. We were also schooled on the dip nets, in case someone went overboard.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - We have more than a bit of familiarity with cats on boats... Molly and Izzy were along when we were still boat cruising. Each of them did go overboard - once. Each of them was on a leash at the time and the boat wasn't underway, so it was somewhat easy to get them close to the hull so we could get them back onboard. Sweet little Izzy turned into a buzzsaw with claws and fangs as I pulled her up; I still have the scars to show for it. By the time we got Rufus, we were done with our cruising boat, so it was just day-tripping when he went along for a ride.

We carried a net onboard while cruising - just in case we needed to get a cat out of the water. Never needed it. There was one time we got stopped by a Game Warden, who came up alongside us and asked, "How's the fishing? I'm going to need to see your licenses." I said, "We don't fish." He pointed at the net and said, "That net would say differently." I said, "That's in case our cat goes overboard," and about that time, Molly came walking out of the cabin. "Ohhh... that's a really big cat" "Yeah - no fishing gear for us, but you are welcome to come onboard and check."