Friday, May 17, 2024



No, that is not the past tense of gamble.  I took the DJI gimbal along on today's ride, with the plan to get a photo by the scoot (to update my profile photo on a scooter forum).  The gimbal has a small tripod that connects to the bottom of the handle, allowing for a low vantage point image...

I think that is a bit more dramatic than an eye-level photo...

Using the Apple Watch, I could set the gimbal down and trip the shutter with the camera app on my watch...

Beside the scoot...

I have come to appreciate the style of the Burgman - not as aggressive as Joan's Xmax, but it is style that is functional.

It was a warm one on this morning's ride: 84º when I left around 8:00, 91º when I got back around 9:30.  The weasels are predicting 100º for the high today.  Looks like we are into summer now.

Tango had come to visit when I got back home...

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