Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!


Today will be our day to adore the matriarch of our family... or as Steph refers to her: Momma... or, as I refer to her: Babe... or, as Murphy refers to her: my favorite human!

We went to a concert at MIM last night: Gypsy Soul, a couple that currently lives in Prescott.  He plays guitar, she sings; they are both very good, and they have a surprisingly full sound for two people...

They were joined by another couple from Prescott for the last half of their show, a cellist and a background singer...

We met Mark and Cindy there - it was a nice evening out.  Joan and Cindy were discussing names for the group of guys Mark and I play with.  This couple doing the concert last night had a program that was handed out as people came into the auditorium... Mark said, "We need to have a program..."  Not sure why.  The program last night was a sales piece for their music and the jewelry she makes and sells - we don't have anything to sell.  Or any place to sell it.  ;-)

Mark told me he got his keyboard out in the last couple days - that is a big deal to me.  I liked it best when he played keyboard, I played guitar, and we both sang.  Don't get me wrong - Mark has become and excellent guitar player; something just clicked when it was the two of us, guitar and keyboard.

And, to add to the changing instruments, I got another small portable electronic drumset that arrived yesterday.  A bunch of stuff arrived yesterday...

The drums...

And a new and improved drummer's throne...

It is described as "based on a motorcycle seat" - if my Burgman had a seat this comfortable, I would not have needed that Corbin seat (that is also particularly comfortable).  I'll get to try out the drums and throne on Tuesday, when I get together with my music buds again.  If this works out like I think it will, I may sell off the full set of e-drums.  I have enjoyed having the full set, but it takes up a lot of space in my studio and they are not "portable" (it takes a couple hours to set them up or tear them down).

With this new small set, they can be set up in less than 20 minutes and get small enough to carry in their own backpack.  We'll see how it works out.


We had a nice Mother's Day breakfast at home (we went out for breakfast yesterday with the 4 of us), again with the 4 of us.  Dan made pancakes and bacon on their griddle, I made the same, plus sausage, on our griddle, and we ate together on our patio.  We already had umbrellas up and plenty of shade to go around.  And Murphy in his catio.  Fun conversation (Steph and Dan went to their first Quinceañera last night, we went to the MIM concert), we talked about Steph growing up, Dan's new promotion at work.  I love these people!


And the Mother's Day wrap up: Joan made baked potatoes (regular and sweet), green beans, and fresh baked bread; I made steak and salmon on the griddle... for a nice meal to wind down this day of adorning Joan.  And for the record: Steph, Dan, Murphy, and I adore her every day.

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