Friday, May 31, 2024

Out Early...


Out before 7:00 this morning, taking the Burgman for a ride...


I let the AI do the editing once again, even on the photos.  It seems to like this "tiny planet" stuff...

Back from the scoot ride, I swapped out riding gear for shorts and got out for some miles on the bicycle; I am an equal opportunity 2-wheel kinda guy.  It is supposed to get up to 105º - earlier is better.


AFW delivered the new "listening chair" for my music room today.  They give you a "window" of when they will arrive and constantly update it with "how many stops" before they get to you.  They were ahead of schedule today when I got the text that said, "Your delivery guys are 3 minutes out."  It was two guys who delivered here before (they remember the desk in the music room); fast, friendly, and efficient.

While waiting for them (it was an early afternoon delivery time), I fired up my Spire Studio and recorded some tracks... something I haven't done since we've been here.  Yeah, just for the fun of it...

It's a cover of the Ben E. King song, Stand By Me.  I did 3 guitar tracks and a bass track, all with the Emerald Virtuo and an octave pedal.  Added vocal tracks and a drum track (with the new smaller e-drums).  Nothing fancy, just trying to get back into it with this good old song.



Earl49 said...

The desert will force you to become a morning person, even if you were not before.

It will be interesting to see how Mr. Murphy adapts to being outside during the heat of the day. In our yard there is plenty of shade and lots of green areas, plus bushes to sleep under. Lucy likes being outdoors to warm her old bones. Duke sleeps on the porch swing, or the cool patio concrete (always shaded) if it gets too warm, or comes back inside to the AC.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl. Murphy and his Dad avoid going out in the late afternoon, when the heat is really cookin'! He is a morning person (um, feline), too. Between the pergola and the patio umbrellas, we are able to have shade. And this time of year, the sun is just over the far side of the house, making even more shade on our patio. Still, when it's 105º, we hang out in air conditioned comfort until evening... Murph is good with that. He sits on a chair by the patio door, where he can have a good view... this afternoon, I heard him say, "Those birds are stupid - they should go inside where it is cooler." He just assumes every creature has a good Mommy and Daddy like his. ;-)