Monday, May 20, 2024

Simple Pleasures...


I enjoy Monday mornings.  While the rest of the world is heading off to work, we retired folks can enjoy the day like it is another Saturday.  I really appreciate not being tied to a schedule.

This morning, after my routine (take pills, check blood pressure, have a hot chocolate and a Biscoff, then get Joan's pills ready for her), I took Murphy out in the courtyard for some outdoor time.  The little furry boy enjoys wandering around; it's fun seeing him go from a tall lean feline to a "crouching tiger" when he sees potential prey: usually a bug or sometimes a bird on the wall.  It's nice to feel the relative cool of the morning before the heat of the day kicks in (it was 75º when Murph and I went out).

Back inside, Joan is up and I get a morning hug and kiss - the best start to the day.  While I get ready to head out for a scooter ride, she invites Tango to our house so he and Murphy can have some playtime.

I really appreciate our location: having a nice view of South Mountain and being less than 5 miles away from some fun, twisty riding.  The ride up the mountain is familiar, but never the same thing twice.  I stop at the top of the road, take a moment to get a drink of ice water, and take in the views from up there.  This morning, there is one other guy on a bike parked there: Al, who I often see here (rides a Honda CBR 300)... he reminds me a bit of Rick Moranis... and, like me, he appreciates the quiet mornings here.

I tossed a camera bag in the Burgman 200, but didn't feel the need to get a camera out on today's ride.  An enjoyable ride back down the mountain, then west on the surface road back to our house.  Opening the door from the garage, I am treated to the smell of bacon frying - Joan told me she was going to make scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese for breakfast, and that process is underway.  She added sausage and potato to the eggs, as well.  And on the plate: sliced tomatoes and a cup of fruit (sliced apples, bananas, and strawberries), and a fresh toasted bagel.  The colorful variety is as pretty to look at as it is tasty to eat.

After breakfast, I am now working on this post, while Murphy gets some outdoor time with his Momma, and she enjoys another cup of coffee on the patio.  A lovely morning.

I didn't take any new photos or videos today, but here's a worked-up shot of the furry boy...

He has been mostly an "angel cat" today.


I packed up the Alesis electronic drum set this afternoon.  Listed on Facebook Marketplace, they are officially for sale.  It took me an hour and 20 minutes to get them packed into the original boxes...

They sound great, but this isn't a fast set-up/tear-down.

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