Saturday, May 11, 2024



I've said it here before: I rate yardwork right up there with getting dental work done.  Joan, on the other hand, enjoys planting, potting, re-potting, watering, trimming, fertilizing, etc.  Today was our monthly "Let's all go out and spruce up the yard" event.

We started with trimming the 23 plantings that are in our front yard...

 I thought we wanted them to grow big.  I was schooled in trimming and shaping.  Hunting and pulling out any weeds that dare show their leafy green face in our yard.  Then, I went over that spot with weed killer.

Steph wanted to try out the new weed-tool Joan bought...

I have to admit: the yard does look more manicured...

And with all 4 of us working at it, the time investment was only about an hour.  Yeah, that's not so bad.

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