Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Here We Go Again...


If you said, "Dolly Parton," you are close, but no cigar - that song is "Here You Come Again."  

A couple of people in the admin building where Steph and Dan work tested positive for Covid... which means, out of caution, we are distancing again.  Steph tested positive last night (she is not having any symptoms other than some sinus stuff, which seems to be a regular thing this time of year in the desert), Dan is negative.  Joan and I are fine, but I am not going to Mark's to get together with our music buddies today.  I am going to miss that.

Over Christmas, Joan, Dan, and I tested positive; Steph never got it.  It could be that our antibodies are 6 months out of sync.

I did get out on the scoot this morning; it's been a couple days.  I was anxious to "feel the breeze."  It was a warm breeze: 81º when I got out around 7:30; 92º when I got back around 9:00.  If I had gotten out any later, it would have been good to soak my cooling vest in water and put it on.

The ride was great - always a good start to my day.  I didn't take a camera along - I was out early enough to enjoy some Breakfast With The Beatles on Sirius/XM.  When I stopped at the upper parking lot on the mountain, I enjoyed some ice water and took a couple photos with my phone...

I really enjoy the views from up there, both of the nearby mountain scenery, and the valley and other mountains in the distance.

On the way back, I turned south on 35th Ave to see how things are progressing on the housing development south of us, in the foothills of South Mountain.  From the vantage point of our yard, we only see a couple houses under construction.  I was surprised by the number of homes going up there - I'm guessing around 40 homes in process... and very pleasantly surprised that we can't see all of that from our yard.  Seems that our view of South Mountain won't be affected by the new construction.

Predicted high today: 104º.


I heard from my music buds this afternoon - I did miss the camaraderie and the music.  We had a text discussion.


Murphy has been far more angle cat than devil cat today.  I took a short nap this afternoon... I patted the bed beside me and called his name - to my surprise, he hopped up and laid down beside me.  That is a first.  I can't speak for him, but it was a big deal to me.  He frequently lays beside Joan.

This evening, after the sun went down, it was still 98º - Murphy wanted to go outside.  I went out there and felt the pavers: not too hot, so we let him go out and wander a bit.  Joan and I sat out there, keeping an eye on him... somewhat marveling that at 98º with a very slight breeze, it was bearable.  After a bit, Murphy was ready to go back in (his choice), so the 3 of us went back into the air conditioning to settle in for the evening.  Yes, Murph is laying by Joan.  He's a sweet boy.

Does he always look surprised like that?  I like to think of it as very alert rather than surprised - the boy keeps track of what is going on around him, even if it appears he is relaxing.  I recently read that cats have the largest size eyes compared to their head size of any mammal... Murph sure fits that description.

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