Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Another Angel Cat...


No, we didn't get another cat - Murphy was on his good behavior again this morning...

 Those are some big paws you have there, Murph.  The Angel Cat phase ended when I told him it was time to go inside... then it turned into a game of "Catch me, if you can, old man!"  I am not a big fan of that game.  I enlisted Joan's help... and Murph was faster than the both of us together.  We eventually corralled him and got him to go through the door.

Prior to going inside, I was sitting on the patio couch, keeping an eye on the furry boy and enjoying the view of South Mountain...

After getting Murphy back inside, I geared up and headed out on the CTX.  I took my camera case (another Vine purchase) along that has my Insta360 X4 and the Go 3 in it.  I didn't mount up a camera on the way up the mountain, but took a moment to get the X4 out for the ride down.  I've written before about how much time it takes to download and edit even a short 360 video clip; again, today, I let the AI handle the editing.  I did take a few minutes to load that into iMovie so I could add the music I wanted, along with the sound of the bike, get a couple transitions, and some ending titles.  This was all done in just a few minutes, cutting more than 90% off the typical time it would take.  Rather than make it a couple minute video, I let the AI cut it down to about 18 seconds - fast and easy...

 Time for a leisurely lunch out at In & Out Burger, and maybe even get a nap in.  :-)


Weigh in...

"Getting ready for a prize fight, Jim?"  No, but thanks for asking.  I mentioned to Joan today that I think Murphy is starting to fill out.  He isn't as big as Tango (yet), but I feel more "heft" on him when I pick him up.  We don't have any means of weighing him by his little lonesome, but I did get on the scale, then stepped off and Joan handed Murphy to me, and I got on the scale again.  While perhaps not necessarily accurate, it showed that he now weighs 11 pounds.  Up significantly from the "just over 9 pounds" when we first got him.  And, coming up on his 6 month anniversary as part of our family.  Our little furry boy is growing up.


Earl49 said...

Angel Cat Murphy is becoming a big boy. And a rascal, making you chase him around the yard. He may not be so mischievous when it gets really hot soon.

Duke went to the vet today. No UTI and she prescribed kitty Prozac to reduce his stress levels. Hopefully that will help with the random peeing problem, which she thinks is stress related. Like a cat in this house has anything to be stressed about?? She also suggested a visual barrier between sections of the house where we have screen doors, so that he doesn't actually *see* Lucy. Of course, they will each know that a cat is there, but hopefully the lack of visuals will help him mellow out. I can't bring myself to confine Lucy to only the master bedroom plus the outside -- it was her house first, and she gets along with everyone. The vet also suggested half doses of Gabapentin until the Prozac kicks in a 3-4 weeks. We knew we were adopting a "special needs" cat, and Duke lives up to the promise.

I'm done with lawn mowing and need to shower off the allergens. I also loaded up the four new tires we bought for the truck a year ago, They need to go on and tomorrow is the day.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Dang, Earl, I got tired just reading about all that work. Hope the meds work for making Duke a more mellow boy... I didn't realize that it takes Prozac that long to start taking effect. Keeps us posted.