Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Are We Going Camping?


You mean like pitch a tent and sleep on the ground?  No.  We won't ever be doing that again.

Joan got some "sun covers" for a couple of her plants.  This morning, when I took Murphy outside, he discovered them...

 "This looks like a tent... it's just my size... hey, there's a plant in my tent!"

I told him, "In the next month or so, we're going to go out in the motorhome."

He said, "Oh, that sounds like fun!  What's a motorhome?"  I explained it to him... "Oh, I changed my mind - that doesn't sound like fun."  The boy can be fickle.

I got out on Joan's scoot today.  A very short video...

Another good ride before the heat of the day settled in.


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