Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Are you boys playing nice?


First thing this morning, Murphy was anxious to get outside...

 That is one long, skinny cat.  I would say he wanted to be outside for the fresh air, but there have been "bad air quality warnings" on TV the last couple days.  No doubt - if you are out there for any length of time, you come back in with a raspy voice and itchy eyes.  "Move to the desert," they said, "Enjoy the fresh air."  Maybe at times, but this ain't that time.

I did take Murphy out for some time in the courtyard.  We didn't stay out that long.  Back inside, we invited Tango over to our place so the boys could have some playtime.  There was a lot of scurrying and pouncing.  I asked, "Are you boys playing nice?"

Look at those sweet, innocent faces.  "Us?  We're always nice."  As my buddy Earl says: they lie through their pointy little teeth.  But, they seem to have fun.  For the record, that cat toy that Tango is sitting in - that is a side opening his head is poking out of... they had knocked it onto its side.  That's pretty typical.

Mark and Ron are coming to our place tomorrow.  I set my music room up for 3 guys playing live...

We'll be covered on vocals (3 mics) and any combination of guitars, drums, or bass.  And that desk...

That's the work surface that was covered with a padded tropical print blanket when I was working on some of the guitars.  My mixer is set up there for balancing any of the vocals or instruments.  Well, except for the electronic drums - they are plugged into their own amp.  I generally have one mic and one guitar cable run to the mixer - it takes a few more cables for 3 of us...

That may look like a mess, but the extra cables will allow mics to be set up anywhere in the room.  Well, that's the plan.  And a few extra cables for the harmonizing pedal I haven't used since we got to Arizona; nice to have that back in play.

We get together with the big group regularly.  Inbetween, Mark, Ron, and I get together (usually at Ron's) to work on vocal harmonies and new songs.  Then, it goes faster when we get the big group together.  I'm looking forward to having the guys here.  Yes, we'll be playing nice, too.

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