Sunday, May 26, 2024

Enjoy it...


The high temperature today: 98º.  Enjoy it, because after today, the high is forecast to be in triple digits for the next two weeks... and no doubt a LOT longer than that.  It is summertime in the desert.

Joan wanted me to make steak and grilled salmon on the griddle this afternoon.  She moved one of the patio umbrellas over the griddle to keep me out of the sun as much as possible...

 Even with that shade, it is still hot out there.  She offered to set up a portable mister she got, but I took a pass on that... even the umbrella made things around the griddle feel a bit crowded.

Joan made fresh corn on the cob and scalloped potatoes to go with my steak and her salmon... it was a fine meal.  Then, back into the blast furnace to clean the griddle and put everything away.

17% humidity, so you don't sweat much if you can stay out of the sun... and if you don't stay out of the sun, you will be a grease spot on the pavers.

The next 10 days...


Earl49 said...

It won't be long before you can use the griddle without turning on the gas. We might hit 90° here for the first time this coming week.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - It feels that hot some afternoons. We've been fortunate with our first late spring in the desert: it had only touched 100º 3 or 4 times so far. Today, the weather weasels are all saying, "Triple digits are here to stay - summer in the desert!"

We don't take Murphy out in the late afternoon until the sun is behind the houses to our west. The light gray pavers shed the heat pretty good when the sun isn't directly on them... don't want our little furry boy to burn his paw pads. This evening, it was still 94º just after sunset.

I've turned down the heat again on the hot tub. No need to have the water at 102º when it's still in the 90s in the evening.

This afternoon, Joan said, "Maybe we'll just griddle breakfast for a while..." good plan.