Thursday, December 26, 2019

And, they're off!

No, we didn't send Steph and Dan home already.

After some early shopping (teacher stuff), breakfast at Manuel's, and taking Steph on a bicycle ride, we headed for Isla Blanca Park, at the southern tip of South Padre Island.  There is a sea turtle release scheduled for noon.

This isn't baby turtles.  The cold spell we had a couple weeks ago resulted in quite a few turtles that were cold-shocked by the rapid change in the water temperature.  Many of the rescued turtles were taken to Sea Turtle, Inc., where they have been rehabilitated so they can be released back into the Gulf.  These are mostly adolescent turtles, 2 to 8 pounds.

We parked at the beach parking and walked a bit on the boardwalk...

There was no information given out on exactly where the release would happen, other than "in the park."  We saw one of our local newscasters go by and I asked him where the release would be... "Right down here, where I'm heading..."

People from Sea Turtle, Inc. staked off a corridor, leading into the water.  People quickly assembled on either side.  It reminded me a bit of a sports team heading onto the field.  Steph asked, "Do you supposed the turtles will come out high-5ing people?"

"Yes, I am sure that is how it is going to go down."  (insert sarcastic emoji here)  ;-)

Considering that turtles have very small brains, it is an easy guess they had no idea what was going on, but once placed into the water, each swam off.  Life "out there" isn't likely as easy as being cared for at Sea Turtle, Inc., but "out there" is where they belong.  It was a fun little event.  Well, maybe not so little, there were several hundred people there to see these turtles get a second chance.

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