Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Resistance training...

Not talking about using elastic bands... I am resistant to going out when the weather is crappy.  No desire to take the e-bike out when bundled up, I was back to walking this morning...

It was 53º, gray, and windy.  Yes, I have cold weather gear from PNW boat jobs; it is good to have when these occasional winter northers blow in.  The wind is down to 22mph from the northwest.  I was comfortable, and that jacket is light enough that I wasn't a sweatball when I got back from my walk.

There was a plastic bag on the front door landing when I got home... either Joan wants me to take garbage to the dumpsters, or she is throwing me out.  It was a smallish bag, so I assumed I was making a trip to the dumpsters.  I put my head inside the door and said, "If you put Rufus's sweater on him, I'll take him for a walk when I get back."  She didn't think he'd be interested in that.

However, when I got back to the house, there was a cat on a leash, in a sweater, waiting to go out.  Again, it is pretty protected from the north wind on the south sound of our house.  Ruf spent some time gnawing on grass, walked to the front (where he could feel the breeze), walked back to the dock...

A grackle landed on the railing on the dock.  There was a momentary stare-down.  I told Ruf, "You can go for that bird if you want."

He said, "It might kill me."

I said, "You are bigger than he is."

The grackle flew off, so we'll never know how that would have turned out.  Rufus won that stare-down.  I'm guessing the grackle flew back to his friends and said, "You should have seen it - a cat in a sweater!  And he was big!"

It wasn't long before Rufus was ready to go back into his nice warm house.  I said, "Wipe your feet before we go back in."

He's a good boy.


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