Monday, December 30, 2019

Looking ahead...

2019 is almost a wrap.  We all have milestones and time markers.  For me, this year will be "the year of the hip."  The pain I was having to walk from the parking lot to a store was slowing me down; and no doubt, getting me down.  I made the decision that I had to do something about that as soon as we got home (April).  It has been 8 months now since the hip replacement.

When I got back from riding 6 miles on my bicycle this morning, Joan said, "You look better... healthier."  Nice of her to say that.  I feel better and healthier.  I make it a point to move more.  I can pretty much walk as far as I want, or until I'm tired... which is different from until it hurts too much.  The hip still hurts; but certainly less than it did before the surgery and in a different way.

I am looking ahead; looking forward to 2020.

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