Tuesday, December 24, 2019

T'was the night before Christmas...

No, I am not going to regale you with my poetry prowess... when I try that, the words "from Nantucket" always seem to appear.

On this day before Christmas, we are prepping for the arrival of Steph and Dan tomorrow.  Joan was done with house cleaning by 1:00; she had been hard at it all morning and deserved a bit of a treat.  Just before I was ready to go prep the boat, I saw we had an inquiry about the Hobie kayak we have for sale.  I called those folks (they live in our resort), and they asked if they could come by to see it now.


The Hobie is already on the dock, so after getting the stuff that goes with it out, I went to work getting the boat ready to go.  The couple came by and seemed genuinely interested; I asked if they wanted to give it a try (since they've never owned a pedal-type kayak), but they weren't ready for that.  Yet.  They said they'd call back in a couple days.

Back to the boat for us.  On this special day, this is what we'll be keeping watch for...

A beautiful day - sunny, light breeze, got to around 70º, but felt warmer than that when in the sun.  Leaving our canal, we keep an eye open for wildlife...

Out in the Intracoastal, we saw a couple dolphins by the commercial docks...

We watched for a bit, then headed towards the ship channel.  One of those tugs that we passed...

My guess is: this one is waiting for a dock opening in the Port of Brownsville.  In the photo directly above, you can see one of the hands doing some work on the door... on working boats, the work goes on, even during holidays.

We saw more dolphins in the ship channel...

a group of them were following behind this bait shrimper...

They were busy feeding, so no playful activity that we saw today.  Well, not a lot...

Hearing the people on the bow squeal when they saw dolphins brought back memories of driving the whale watch boats.  Well, the whales are a LOT bigger than our bottlenose dolphins, but you can't get as close.

One of my favorite views here, looking east towards South Padre Island...

Heading back towards home, a few more dolphin encounters...

Always a treat to see them.  I am grateful to be doing so on Christmas Eve.  In shirt sleeves.  That is a gift.

When we got home, Joan went to work making us a nice supper: chicken cordon bleu with fettuccine alfredo.  I opened a bottle of Asti.  A nice evening, and now we wait for Santa.

Rufus asked, "Is Santa going to come tonight?  Does he bring something for kitties?  I've been a good boy."

I told him, "Yes, Ruf, you have been a very good boy.  I'm guessing Santa will have you on his Nice List."

"Is there something special you want, buddy?" I asked.

"I have you and Momma - it is all I ever wanted.  Well, a new toy would be fun, too."

He's a good boy.  :-)

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