Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Live to Ride...


Ride to Eat.

There is a lot I missed when Steph and I were on our trek to the frozen northland: I missed my Honey; I missed my big furry boy (he is sitting on the back of my chair, looking over my shoulder, as I write this); I missed the warmth of the Tropical Tip; and I missed getting out on my scoot.

That last one must have been apparent, because this morning Joan said, "How would you like to take the scoots somewhere and go out for lunch?"  She didn't have to ask twice.

To avoid the lunch crowd, we tend to go out to eat in the "off hours" - today, we pulled up to Padre Island Brewing Company just before 2:00.  I was craving cheese curds and Joan reminded me of their fried curds when she suggested the lunch outing.

Getting off the scoots there...

Masked up and ready to go inside...

 Lunch was good (especially the cheese curds).  No I do not live on a steady diet of fried cheese curds - I get them maybe once a month... just happens to be one of my culinary favorites, so I mention it when I get to partake.

A lovely day: 79º this afternoon, sunny, a bit of breeze.  Really nice riding.

When we got home, after putting the scoots away, I changed into some shorts and got my little e-scooter out to run garbage.  Joan set the bag out by the front door; when I picked it up, something inside hissed at me!  What the heck?!  I picked it up again and it hissed at me again.  I had to see what it was... on closer inspection, I could see the nozzle of a Reddi-Whip can up against the side of the bag.  Yep, empty, but it still had some gas in it.  I was pretty sure Joan didn't put a snake in the garbage bag.  Well, mostly kinda sure.  ;-)

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