Saturday, December 18, 2021

Survey says...


If you said, "What the host of Family Feud says," you get 10 bonus points.  If you said, "Richard Dawson was the first host of that show, and there have been 4 other hosts before Steve Harvey," you get an additional 50 bonus points.

I was asked to participate in a survey.  It's a study being done by the Mayo Clinic, in conjunction with Cologuard... yes, the "crap in a box" people.  They ask a whole bunch of medical history and lifestyle questions.  It took about as long to read the consent form (you do read stuff like that, don't you?) - 10 pages long - as it did to fill out the survey (about 60 questions).

Apparently, "my time is valuable."  In return for giving them this information, I was rewarded with a book of stamps.  (approx value: $11.00)  To be fair, I would have given them this information for free, if it helps determine the usefulness of the crapping in a box testing.  A book of stamps... when is the last time you mailed something?  I'm guessing these modern medical researchers are familiar with e-mail or these new-fangled interwebs stuff.  ;-)

I was hoping for something more useful than stamps... like a buggy whip or a box of floppy disks or paper for a fax machine or a newspaper subscription.  Odds are pretty good that anyone born in this century has never heard of those things.


Earl49 said...

I still use stamps. Being suspicious of on-line banking, I do not use electronic bill pay. Almost all of the monthly bills come via paper and get paid by checks. I'll pay ahead if we'll be gone for a while. My suspicion arises from many years ago. An early employer insisted on payroll via direct deposit. One pay period instead of paying me $1500 they mistakenly debited $15,000! (But OUR computers don't make *mistrakes*). Lots of important checks bounced including mortgage payments. It took almost a year to straighten it all out and get the fees reversed. So yes, this dinosaur still uses stamps and checks and will continue to until forced to do otherwise. The system may be better these days, but once bitten twice shy....

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl. We write about a half dozen checks a year these days. For the record, I don't think you're a dinosaur. If you were, you'd have the gentle nature of a brontosaurus with the stature of a T-Rex, but with normal size arms. I'm digressing again, aren't I?

Bob said...

Hey Cap - I found a bunch of places close by us in Las Vegas that have Cheese Curds, so now you gotta come visit and we can add in a BurgerFi also. Freddy's has DaCurds and I had a picture for you but cannot find out how to post in these comments so here is the HURL, ooops, URL at
Bob in Nevada (Has anyone ever volunteered that they are a "robot" in the reCAPTCHA thingy you have to click to send this comments? BJ

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Bob. Freddy's is my go-to for curds when we're in Harlingen (the closest Freddy's to our home). Last I checked the details on visits to this site, there were 4 robots and 2 interstellar aliens who visit regularly, but rarely comment.

Earl49 said...

I'm not a robot, but many have accused me of being an interstellar alien. Perhaps I'm just a brontosaur that subsumes his T-Rex side - most of the time.