Friday, December 31, 2021

Last rides of the year...


Rides? Plural?  Yep.  I got out on the e-bike and the Vespa this morning.  The wind was blowing in the upper teens when I got up this morning, predicted to be 20 to 30 mph before noon... seems like a good time to get out and enjoy "the last rides of the year.'

Funny how we put those descriptors as we close out a year: This will be the last time I'll _______; fill in the blank.  Odds are pretty good we'll be doing all those things again, often starting tomorrow.  With the predicted wind and a cold front predicted to blow in tomorrow night, it will probably be a while before I get out on either of my two-wheel conveyances in the next couple days.

I enjoyed both rides.  The e-bike is my morning ride around our island - it's for the exercise.  Getting out on the Vespa is because I need to ride.  Need.  It satisfies something deep inside me.  No, I'm not going to get philosophical or ethereal... I can't really explain it myself - I just need to ride.  Regularly.  The sensations, the feel of the wind, the smells.  Plus, no one cut me off in traffic today.  ;-)

File photo.

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