Tuesday, December 28, 2021



Joan and Rufus like their morning concert.  It doesn't always work out, but Joan had put in a request last night, giving me a list of three things I needed to do this morning: take the scoot out for a test ride with the OEM seat on it, wash the Equinox (apparently a flock of birds had used it for a target run), play some music.  If I got anything else done, that would be a bonus.

I got out early on the scoot to run it at speed across the causeway and back.  I do sit just a bit higher on this seat, but the wind was already blowing at 17 and gusting higher, so it was hard to tell if it was much different.  I have to say that the Shuberth helmet and the Airpod Pro earbuds do a great job of taming the wind noise.

Once back home, I went to work on getting the car washed.  I am absolutely convince that paint manufacturers should use bird shit and bug guts in their paint formulas: that stuff sticks like crazy.  It took a lot of elbow grease to get the car looking spiffy again.

Back inside and on with the Living Room Concert Series.  I have mentioned before about how much Rufus likes me to sing and play for him.  I sat down in one of the recliners, with my smallest Emerald (the X7), and he hopped up into my lap for a "better than front row" experience...

 That is a happy furry boy.  Good timing... since he was feeling mellow, Joan suggested that this would be a good time to trim his nails.  She got out his "sling," we put him in it, I held him up by the handles, and Joan used the new nail grinder to blunt his claws.  He only got riled once, and when he figured out that all the thrashing didn't get him anywhere, he just let his Momma do her thing.  The boy is big and strong - if he doesn't want to be held, you will get shredded trying.  This sling works pretty decent; this is only our second time using it, and Joan was able to get all 4 paws trimmed.  And then Rufus got a nice treat.

From there, it was off to do some running: we had a package to pick up at the Post Office, prescriptions to get at Walgreens, and then some groceries at Wally World.  You've heard "there is a lot of that going around"... not talking about Covid, I'm referring to stupid.  There is no vaccine for stupid.  Joan was 5th in line at the Post Office, and it took a while; the guy in front of her was pretty sure he had "counterfeit stamps."  We were third in line at the Walgreens drive-up, and it took even longer; but the guy right in front of us, after waiting in line, just drove on through without getting anything - no, I don't know why.

And then onto Wally World.  You can tell when people are dressed for the beach at Walmart, even if they are wearing a cover-up.  The wind is blowing 25, gusting to 35... going to the beach today will be like sitting in a sand-blaster.  So, with nothing else to do, they were clogging up the aisles in Wally World.  This made the "Roller Derby experience" from a few days ago look like child's play... instead of shopping carts at a diagonal in the aisles, today it was shopping carts perpendicular to the aisles - it looked like a police road block, only with stupid people instead of law enforcement.  Three kids on one of the handicapped motorized shopping carts nearly ran us down as they came out of a side aisle without looking (they all looked pretty healthy - just stupid).  Looking around at the "unique" assortment of people, I was wishing I had brought a Walmart Bingo Card today - I could have gotten a black-out for sure!

I did hear one clever woman who was on her cell phone, and whose shopping cart was not blocking the aisle (one in a row!): "I have to go now, I have ice cream in the cart."  No, there was no ice cream in her cart.  Of course, this excuse to get off the phone will only work if you aren't heading home to the person who was on the phone - they'll be expecting ice cream.  ;-)


Bob said...

Cap, if you used the online shopping and "we bring it to your car" service you would avoid the Wally World/Costco/Grocery Store traffic jam but then you would get to see how the highly motivated employees who cannot read fill you basket with all kinds of strange never seen before items most of which would be rotten, out of date, or damaged. Do you tip the person who comes out to the "Park and Wait" always empty too many to count set aside parking spaces? What happens if you park your Eyetalian Luxe Skooter in one of those spaces with a hand drawn Hondacap blue thingy on the handlebar? Are there Kart Kops whom you should call to break up the congestion that is causing the sale of anti-acids to spike to levels higher than the new summer temps in Texas? A picture of the Boy in a Sling would be appreciated. I must of have missed a post on that one, our nine pound 14 year old dog is stronger than the wife and I when it comes to holding her for a nail cutting, we have to use pay a groomer with Command Voice to get it done.
See ya and enjoy the end of the year. Bob in Nevada

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Bob. When shopping together, I am the cart driver/security provider. I stay in my lane, both when running the cart and picking out items. We have yet to have a good experience with having stuff brought out to our car; less frustrating to just mask up and go in.

I will not be putting Rufus in the sling just for a photo. Perhaps the next time we need to trim his nails, I'll get one? Perhaps not. After Joan made this one, I see that there are commercially available styles - Google "dog sling for nail trimming" and all kinds pop up. I thought we invented something, but obviously this is a pretty common thing. With this thing, we can get through it in less than 5 minutes and no blood-letting. A big treat is required when the task is done.

Hoping for a good 2022 for us all!