Friday, December 17, 2021

People suck...


In case you hadn't heard, someone on Tiktok started a "shoot up your school on Friday the 17th" challenge.  That is just vile.  No doubt, someone thought they were being funny or controversial, but that is pure evil.  Unfortunately, there are stupid people out there who will think this is a thing. 

Think people wouldn't be affected by this "challenge"?  Today, in Steph's homeroom class, there were 10 students.  Out of 28.  Parents were keeping their kids home.  One Mother called Steph and said, "I expect that you will be extra vigilant today, if I let my kid come to school."

This is the last school day before their Christmas break.  More likely that someone started this challenge with the idea of "the day off."

Steph was explaining Tiktok to me: someone can post a challenge like this, and once it takes off, delete their initial post so they can't be tracked down.  That is seriously messed up.  I hope someone sues Tiktok to recover all the wasted man-hours... a wasted school day for the educators (you can't teach when nearly 2/3 of the class isn't there), and all the additional law enforcement that patrolled in and around schools across the country.

If you aren't outraged by this, you should be.  How would you feel about sending your kids to school with this situation?  How would you feel if someone posted this challenge for the place you work?

An earlier challenge was "get your teacher fired."  Yeah, if you have kids or grandkids, they are bombarded with this crap.  

It is no wonder that educators are leaving the field in record numbers.  If you think people are stupid now, imagine what they will be like when there's no one left to educate them.


Earl49 said...

So much evil in the world, especially from cowards who hide behind the anonymity of the interweb. Sometimes I take comfort in the likelihood that I am in my last decade of lifespan. Beam me up, Scotty. I'm nearly ready.

Bob said...

Hey Cap, you had the Cheese Curd Craps. Well known illness in the north central states and parts of Canada (very much like the Poison Poo-teen Poopers). Bob in Nevada
PS: Hope you is better, there are burgers to eat!!! BJ

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I feel you, Earl. I don't understand the evil.

Bob, for me, cheese is like the cure to the Craps - eat enough and I won't poop for days. I should have taken more cheese instead of Kaopectate. As my dear ol' Mother used to say about any unpleasant situation: "It's the shits." She always had a way with words.