Monday, December 25, 2023




There was never a doubt that this is our boy.  The connection was immediate when Joan took him out of his cage.  But now, baby boy kitty Bathurst has his forever name to go with his forever home.

Welcome to the family, MURPHY!

It was one of the first names I suggested; it's a family name on my Irish side.  Over the past 48 hours, we tried out different names, but this one suits him.

He was the center of attention when Steph and Dan came over for our afternoon meal.  Yesterday was Italian: Joan made manicotti, meatballs, and crusty bread; Steph made lasagna, Italian sausage, and a Caesar salad.  It was all tasty!  Today, it was casual American: I made bacon cheeseburgers, Joan made fries, Steph made onion rings.  What about Dan?  Thanks for asking - this morning, he made an apple kringle (pastry) from scratch.

We'll go back to Steph and Dan's place for round 2 of family games.  Murphy can get some rest - we're not ready to introduce him to their cats.  Yet.  We have no information on whether Murphy is good with other cats.  When it's time, we'll get him together with their smallest boy who seems to like everybody.

But, for now, our furry boy gets to relax...

He had another big day.

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