Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Round 3...


You've taken up prize-fighting again, Jim?  No, but thanks for asking.

Back to the vet for the little furry boy this morning.  The first time was a general wellness checkup, where they found he had an ear infection.  Ear drops for a week, then another visit.  No change.  More cleaning and another round of ear drops.  Today: cleaner ears but no change in the infection.

 Time to take stronger measures - we will bring him back once again and they will sedate him so they can get deeper into the ear canal.  I am not a fan of the sedation thing, but we want to get this infection taken care of.  Sounds like it is going to be at least a few more vet visits in the near term.

Murphy let them poke and prod - he's pretty patient and a good boy.  For now, he is back home and diving into his lunch.


Off We Go, Into the Wild Blue Yonder...

If you said, "The US Air Force Song," you get 20 bonus points.  If you said, "Your former boat (Wild Blue) and the dinghy (Yonder)," you get an additional 80 bonus points.

This isn't about the Air Force or that wonderful C-Dory boat... out on the Burgman 200 today, after taking Murphy to the vet and Joan to lunch; I took the HoverAir X1 along, just in case there was the opportunity to get any drone shots.  There was (the opportunity to get some drone video)...

While getting that image immediately above, a guy with a Goldwing pulled in.  He watched for a moment, then came over to ask some questions.  People are curious about the Hover.  I didn't get his name, but he was from Manitoba, Canada; no he didn't ride the bike down here, he towed it.  He's been here a couple weeks.  We visited for a bit, about Goldwings, DCT transmissions, riding, how other people perceive Goldwings, scooters, and DCT.  He had to tell me how: "There isn't a Harley made that can keep up with my Goldwing."  OK, and by that I mean: it isn't a contest.  No question, though, if you want to eat up miles comfortably on two wheels, there isn't much that can compete with a Goldwing.

Of course, he asked, "How fast will that go?" pointing at the Burgman.

"About 80."

"Miles per hour??"

"Yeah, miles per hour - it won't get there as fast as your Wing, and it won't be as planted, but it will do it. It's happier at 65 to 70, though."

"I had no idea," he said.

"Most people don't."

It's his 4th Goldwing, the second with DCT... of course, he loves that feature... I get it.

He pulled out while I was still putting stuff away... about two minutes later, I had caught up with him on these twisty roads.  I'm guessing he won't be telling anyone that a 200cc scooter can hang right there with his Goldwing on tight, twisty roads.  ;-)

And as a bonus for reading this far, here's a HoverAir X1 video...


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