Monday, February 5, 2024

The Results Are In...


A primary election?  Oh, hell no - this blog intentionally avoids political crap.  These results are important... Xmax vs B200... Yamaha vs Suzuki... 300cc vs 200cc.  Joan and I got out together on our scoots.

We didn't have a destination in mind.  I suggested a run up the mountain, then lunch at a Chinese buffet place we've driven by.  All in favor - the motion passed unanimously.

I left my 360 camera behind; didn't even take the Go 3.  Once we got to the twisty roads, I regretted that decision... it's just a lot of work editing that video.  Instead, I took my phone off the mount on the bike when we stopped to have a look around...

 Us with the bikes...

Running further up the mountain, there was a road open that has been blocked off since we got here - good riding, twisties and ups and downs.  We stopped at the end of that road.

This truck pulled in about 20 seconds after we got off our bikes - I was hoping for an unfettered view of all the antennas at the top of this road...

A view looking south (Gila Valley area)...

My phone was never meant to capture images while riding, but I was able to get this...

That is looking through the windshield, and pointing kinda downward.  But, you can see Joan out ahead of me.  I like it!

Then, up to the Dobbins Overlook area, to overlook your Dobbins...

Back down the mountain and headed east to try out the Chinese place: Lin's Grand Buffet.  Yep, it was pretty grand.

From there, we rode west on Baseline.  A stop for gas (only $2.99) - the Suzuki got 88 miles per gallon on that tank; 85 mpg on the Xmax.

On, and the results I mentioned in the title: yeah, the Xmax trounces the Burgman 200.  From a roll-on at 25 mph or from a stop, the Xmax easily pulls away from the Burgman.  It's a good thing I am not competitive... I like the little Burgman.

We swapped bikes for a bit, as well.  My observation: the Xmax feels significantly more substantial, as you'd expect... bigger motor, bigger frame, more horsepower, more torque, stronger brakes.  All that said, pushing the Burgman through the twisties is more fun (for me).  Joan's observation: it reminds her a lot of the Vespa - not enough leg room for her.  The Burgman makes more noise with the engine and exhaust note.  "Not bad, but it doesn't fit me."  She did not care for the seat and seating position: it put her knees higher than her hips.

If the Xmax fit me as good as it fits Joan, I'd have one.  Once I get the seat situation figured out, the Burgman will be a better fit for me.  We're each happy with our choice.


When we got home, I took Murphy for a walk out in front of the house; another good outing.  After we came inside and he got a treat, I let Tango come over to our house; the two boys played together while Joan was outside, getting the patio stuff covered for the rain that is coming.  Tango really likes Murphy's pillow...

We'll see if he likes one of his own, since Steph ordered one for him... I'm guessing he will ignore it.  ;-)

The boys sat by Joan...

Murphy said, "That's my Momma!"  Tango said, "I've known her longer than you have!"

Boys, don't fight...

They were just playing.  They are cute together.  Don't tell Steph, but I'm thinking we will take them out on the scoots someday and let them romp around up on the mountain.*


* I'm kidding, of course - Tango is a house cat.  I just wrote that to get a rise out of Steph.  We did lend Steph a cat harness for Tango, which he has worn around the house a time or two.  She may try working with him on a leash.  At some point in time.

She thinks it would "be cute" to have them walk together on a leash.  Having leash trained 4 cats, I would put that in the same category as "herding cats."  ;-)


Earl49 said...

Give Murphy's pillow to Tango and then buy Murphy a new one. That way Tanpo gets to usurp another cat's toy (with his scent on it) and Murphy gets a new one. The odds are still good that the box is a more interesting toy than the actual toy itself. Gotta think like a cat.

Wonderful photos, BTW.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks for the nice comment on the photos, Earl. Tango is not a fan of his new toy, so we brought it to our place to let Murphy get his scent on it. I offered to sit on it, too, but apparently that wasn't helpful.

We had Tango over for a bit today - he wasn't interested in either pillow, but there is a "stuffed pickle" that seems like fun. Pretty sure he said to Murphy, "You have all the cool toys." Yeah, it's a cat thing.