Monday, February 26, 2024

Tab A goes in Slot B...


No, this isn't a sex-ed class - I learned that stuff months ago.  More Vine stuff.

We had a nice morning around the house.  Last night, we talked about taking the scoots out, but Mother Nature blessed us with spitty rain; not enough to measure, just enough to be a nuisance.  We decided to make a run to Costco, then out for lunch.  I got my summer wardrobe at Costco, Joan got a new patio chair for the motorhome (comfy!).

Lunch at Oregano's, but not our usual thin crust pizza.  Last week when the music guys got together, Joan picked up pizza from Oregano's - a large thin crust and a deep dish.  We haven't had the deep dish before, and it was tasty!  So, back again for a nice sit-down and some tasty deep dish.

On the way back home, Joan asked, "Will you give me a hand putting together the deck box I got from Vine."

"Sure thing."

Thus, the title of this post.  It took a few minutes to figure out the directions, but the assembly went easy and frustration free.  We took Murphy out to his catio so he could give us some guidance...

The finished product...

It is big enough to put the chair cushions in it... in case it rains.  And, yes, it does rain in the desert.


A short video with some "cat play" this morning - Murphy and Tango, a bit of play wrestling...

Videography by Joan.  Editing and soundtrack by Jim.


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