Tuesday, February 20, 2024

This opens up some motorcycle possibilities...


Now what did you do?  Thanks for asking.  Joan saw something on Vine, "Oh, we should get this..."

If you've been reading here, Vine is a program from Amazon, where you can order products to try out - the premise is to give the manufacturer or vendor an honest review.  You get the product at no charge (although you will be responsible for tax, as it is considered "a gift") and you have no obligation to give a favorable review.  In this "entry level," you can order up to 3 items per day, from their listings of thousands of items.  A lot of what you can order is stuff you won't... even if it is free.  Then there are some, "Hey, that's interesting," items that you probably wouldn't buy; often because you didn't know it existed.  And then there are the, "Oh, I really want that!" items.  Sometimes you click on an item and it is no longer available through Vine.

Since we started doing this, we have done over 90 reviews (they ask that you review at least 90% of the items you order); it takes some time each day, but it is also kinda fun... or, at least, interesting.  We take photos of the item, give it a rating, then write something about it.

This is one of those "fun/interesting/are you kidding?" items...

That is a backpack pet carrier.  Or, the way I am using it here, a frontpack pet carrier.  We have seen this advertised on Facebook and other social media, usually with a cute young thing carting around a kitten or a puppy.  The info on this says it is rated for up to 25 pounds for your furry friend.  I was surprised that Murphy fit in there... with a bit of room to spare.

For the record, there is no way in hell I would have put Rufus in something like this - the boy did NOT like to be confined... he would have torn through whichever side I was on and disemboweled me.  And I did that once - it is not fun.  Well, it was a surgeon, not a cat, but again I digress.

So, Jim, are you going to take Murphy on the motorcycle or the scooter?  Was that a "one or the other" question, or asking if I would take him on any conveyance?  At this point, I can't say.  Murphy has overcome his initial shyness, but we have put him through enough carting around, with quite a few trips to the vet in the last month... yes, we are still dealing with his ears, and today they took another sample that they are sending off to have a culture done; to see if Murphy has any potential allergies.  He doesn't fuss too bad about going into his carrier for the ride to the vet.  In the car.  I won't be taking him out on either bike.  For now.  Although, he does like to go where we go.

As I make this post, Murphy is out on the patio with Joan.  Well, Joan is on the patio, Murphy is in the catio on the patio.  No, we did not get the catio on vine; but all the stuff that is in the catio came from Vine.

This morning, in the catio...

A little later this morning, on the catio...

I can't imagine it was comfortable on top of the catio, but he is a cat - he likes to take "the high ground."


After she got home from work today, Steph gifted me back the kittie hoodie with the skull and crossbones that we bought for Rufus when we first got him.  It was the Facebook Memory from 6 years ago today.  He quickly outgrew it.

Steph thought her cat Tango might want to wear the hoodie.  He did not... the boy was nearly paralyzed when she put it on him.

So, the family heirloom is back (like a family passing around baby clothes), and Murphy is wearing it proudly...

It will be the perfect thing for him to wear when he and I go out on the motorcycle!

I'm kidding.  Probably.

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