Sunday, May 19, 2024

Date Night...


I know: two Saturday nights in a row... do we know how to party or what?

Another concert at MIM last night.  Joan and I met Mark and Cindy there.  The concert was 3 somewhat local singer/songwriters for what was billed "in the round"... not what I think of as in the round, where the stage is in the center of a venue, with seats all around it.  Rather, this was each of the performers taking a turn at playing one of their songs.

Two Erics and a John: Eric Ramsey, Eric Erdman, and John Coinman.  Each had their own unique style, with personalities that came out in their song-writing.  It was an entertaining evening, with songs that ranged from touching to humorous.  The prominent instrument for each is guitar, although Ramsey also played a dobro and a Weissenborn lap guitar.

7:30 start time for the concert, and they tend to be very prompt.  It's a 25 mile drive for us, and two different freeways on our route were closed for construction; Joan does a good job of navigating while I drive.

It is a "date night" for us.  The number and variety of concerts at MIM is impressive - something happening almost every evening; sometimes two shows a night.


And more guitar content: yeah, the octave pedal I had been researching (last Thursday's blog post) showed up today.  It's a Boss OC-5...

I couldn't wait to pull a guitar off the wall and fire this up.  I had watched enough YouTube videos to know how it works.  And, it works... great!  It sounds like there is a bass player playing along with me.  Or adjust the dials a bit and it sounds like a 12 string guitar.  Kinda.  Or just dial in a little bit of the effect, and it makes your guitar sound like it has more bottom end.  Yes, that is a good thing.  "Can't you just turn up the bass on your guitar?"  Yes, and thanks for asking; but, that doesn't drop it an octave like an actual bass guitar does... or, like this pedal does.  And, when you play individual notes, it can be an octave below and above if you want.  And, man, does that sound more full than just the single note on the guitar.

One of the reviews said, "You have to play clean with this - if you make a sloppy chord, it will confuse the pedal and the note you want may not be the note you get.  I expect it will take some time to get comfortable with it in anything besides playing in my studio.  Nahh - this is coming with me when I get together with the guys!


Earl49 said...

We've been to MIM concerts a couple of times. It is such a nice room, not to mention the whole museum. I saw a great Hawaiian slack-key guitar show there, and Alice has been to a few shows in her various visits. If you get the chance, try one.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - One of the perks of big city living has been the never-ending variety of things to do in the area. The concert series at MIM will have over 300 shows this year - that is very impressive. Every concert we've been to there has been a treat. Mark will occasionally suggest something, like this particular concert - he had seen one of the players featured here in a "Blues Weekend" event at MIM a couple weeks ago. And, yes, the museum itself is definitely world class.