Monday, May 27, 2024



After dealing with a few low ball offers and the usual "Is it still available?" questions (even though I said in the ad very specifically: "If the ad is still up, the drums are still available."

I met the guy in an In & Out Burger parking lot.  He was apparently anxious: he handed me an envelope with the cash before he even looked at the drums.  I took him to the back of the Equinox, opened the box and showed him one of the drums - "You can see it is in perfect shape."

"Yes, I will take it.  Please double check the money."  I counted it out... there was $5 too much in there.  I gave him back the $5, shook his hand, and he and Dan (Dan came along with me - Joan and Steph are on their way to hair appointments) carried it to his car.  Fast and easy transaction.  He first contacted me on Saturday evening, agreed to the full asking price, and was willing to meet wherever I wanted to complete the sale.

If they would all go like that, I'd probably sell more stuff.  ;-)

 Any seller's remorse?  No - I appreciate having some space back in my music room, and I am enjoying the smaller drumset I got a couple weeks ago.  You can't play them with the "gusto" of a full set, but they sound great.


Earl49 said...

Congrats on the sale. It feels good to lighten the load if you are not using a particular bit of gear. I need to thin some things out myself.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Earl - after getting those smaller drums (the footprint of a snare stand), I could see that it was time to move the bigger set along. Space now for a "listening chair" for Joan and Murphy. :-)