Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A day off...


You are in the middle of a scooter group gathering and you need a day off?  What's up with that, candy-ass?

Thanks for asking.  We are enjoying meeting the scooter folks here - it's a great bunch of people.  The riding and the scenery is spectacular.  Group rides aren't really our thing, but it has been interesting... and no issues with "Where are we?" (phone coverage is somewhat spotty in the mountains and thick forests, so Apple Maps sometimes gets confused)... you just "follow the leader."

Joan is wanting to get laundry done and I am feeling like making French toast this morning.   The group rides all head out at 9:00 am... so, we're taking the day off.  This gathering lasts 4 days, and most of the participants are from within a couple days travel to here.  It was 2,000+ miles for us to get here; once in a while, household chores need to be done.  It isn't because we are unhappy with any of the goings on.

Last night, I took Joan's bike to the motel for some socializing before heading up the mountain for a sunset viewing.  The group that went up there was smaller than the night before, so I didn't get the drone out... but I did take a few photos with my phone...



After helping Joan cart back the laundry, I geared up for a solo ride.  No destination in mind, just looking for a pleasant ride... not "tearing up the twisties" or seeing how fast I could go.  My choice: the Blue Ridge Parkway.  This road winds its way through the mountains - a two-lane with a 45 mph speed limit... beautiful scenery, plenty of turn-outs for the views, a canopy of trees over much of the road in this area.  It is a delight to ride.

Having been on the BRP a few times now, I'm surprised by how little traffic there is.  I did about 70 miles of it today - no traffic that came up behind me, and only a couple minutes of a slow-moving van pulling a cargo trailer (car sick kids inside??) and two motorcycles stuck behind that.  They pulled off at a Visitors Center, leaving me with clear road ahead once again.  Not much traffic coming at me in the other lane, either.

I did stop a couple times to take in the views...

In the shot below, you can see where the road is, surrounded by trees...

A delightful motorcycle/scooter road with plenty of curves...

The Burgman while at one of the turn-outs...

More expansive views...

The weather weasels were calling for a 60% chance of rain today.  I did get misted on for less than 30 seconds while behind that van.  I did hear a rumble of thunder in the distance when I first got the scoot out.  You could see some rain shafts off in the distance, but Mother Nature was cooperative.

I got a shot of this sign, but the phone focused on my windshield extension rather than the sign - but you get the idea...

I got back to the motorhome around 4:00, took a few minutes to clean windshields and helmets (both of ours), then came inside.  It was warm here in the valley, but had been pleasantly cool at the higher elevations on the BRP.  I told Joan that I could be happy riding the Blue Ridge Parkway on a daily basis, much like I enjoy riding South Mountain where we're at home in Phoenix.

A few minutes before 5:00 - raindrops on top of the coach and more rumbles of thunder.  Good timing on my part.

Rain on the skylight...

Glad to not be riding in that.

In case you're wondering - Murphy seems unaffected by the noise of the rain. He's laying under the dinette table, legs crossed, dozing.

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