Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Yep, I'm a bit achy this morning...


I'm moving slow, but still moving.  Shoulder, ribs, wrist, and back are feeling it, too.  The gauze Joan put on my knees stuck to 'em when I took the bandages off this morning.  My big toe didn't turn purple, so I don't think it's broke... nothing I can do for it, anyway... pretty sure they don't make a sling for your toe.  ;-)

Joan said to me, "We need to know when to say when - do we need to go home?"

"After all the work getting the coach ready to head out and closing up the house? These are scrapes and bruises - I may need a chill day soon, but we planned extra time to get there. We're good."

Once we're cleaned up and the utilities are put away, I'm heading this rig east.  Ibuprofen is my friend. 


We rolled across New Mexico, only getting slowed down for 2 accidents (a couple hundred yards apart) while going through Albuquerque...

 Bumper to bumper, stop and go.  Mostly stop.  But, the first responders cleared a couple lanes and we were moving within 10 minutes or so.  Big city life.

Seemed like it took a while to get out of New Mexico...

Their state slogan is: Land of Enchantment.  I used to think that meant: Land of Blowing Dirt, but now I realize that Enchantment is an old Indian term meaning: shitty roads.  Seriously, their roads suck ass... swamp ass.  Which is worse than regular ass.  But, I digress.

Yes, I drove today.  I'm the driver, Joan is the navigator (we know a fellow RVer who calls his wife the "nagigator," but I would never say that about my darling wife... because sometimes she reads this.  I just mention that I drove in case anyone thought my tripping incident might prevent me from doing so.  The shit roads in New Mexico didn't help my achy back, but I'm not going to talk about that.  OK, Joan is letting me release this photo she took today, so you can see for yourself...

The elbow is covered with a bandage, so nothing to see.  Now, really, I'm done talking about it.

Back to talking about New Mexico's crap roads.  It was a relief to get into Texas today...

You can tell by the standing water, this area has had plenty of rain.  The sign makes me chuckle - "Drive Friendly, the Texas Way"... Texas is the only state where I've been passed on the right - on the shoulder!But, the roads are better than New Mexico...

We stopped for fuel before going to tonight's RV park - gas was $2.99/gal at Pilot!  ($2.94 with our discount).  Sure beats Arizona prices.  The RV park is what I would call "quaint"... old, homey, but not run down...

Not as fancy as last night's stop, but no casino (I came out $5 ahead, btw; apparently, Joan paid for some entertainment, but the nest egg is still safe).

We have good TV channels, and we can just cool our heels for the evening.  And give Murphy a chance to relax without "the house moving."  He did fine today.  Joan let him wander around a bit while we were underway.  We made reservations for what looks like a very nice park for tomorrow night and Friday night - grassy areas where Murphy may try to go for a walk on his leash.  If he wants.  No pressure.


Since we are facing east this evening, we took the windshield covers off so Murphy could lay on the dash and look out (the boy loves to see outside... and be outside)...

Not the best light to show off his silky fur, but the boy is adapting to this RVing stuff.  Pretty windy here, or I'd see if he wants to go outside... maybe tomorrow.

Another time change today, so we're now two hours different from home (AZ)... I didn't think we've been moving fast enough to have "jet lag."  ;-)



Earl49 said...

So sorry to hear of the event but glad that they are only "flesh wounds". Over the last few years, I find that when injuring something or overdoing yard work, the second day is really when the soreness sets in. Fingers crossed for you.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl. Yep, flesh wounds, but the bruising does down to the bone. I hate being stupid - I just wasn't watching for that little bit of a difference between the concrete and the asphalt... in the dark and the rain. I was fine to drive, but glad I didn't bring the motorcycle along, as it is a bit painful to use my right foot right now.

The RV park at that casino/hotel deserves the term "resort" - nice place. I'd go back again, I'd just watch my step. ;-)