Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Group Shot!


A foggy group ride this morning.  How foggy was it?  Thanks for asking...


The destination: a group photo to be taken at the highest point on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

When we first pulled in, it was still a bit foggy - I got this shot with the HoverAir to show the scoots...

You can see in the photo above that the scoots at the far left side are still a bit indistinct thanks to the fog. That fog gave way to allow us good light to get that posed group photo...

 It was a good ride to that high point, even if a bit damp.  It never rained on us, though.  (I'm attributing that to good, clean living).

Let's go to the video...



Earl49 said...

In a fog.... I remember once going to a fancy restaurant at the top of ski hill for Alice's birthday. But it was foggy at the top by the time we rode the lift up, so the view was marginal. Glad you are riding and that Murphy is happy in the RV.

I spent much of the day Tuesday and again early WED morning "outstanding in my field" making outdoor noise measurements at 88°. Not fun, but there won't be many more times that I have to do that sort of thing. The old guy cannot handle 14 hour days and extended field work anymore. C'mon retirement!

You are confirming all of the wonderful things I've heard about riding the BRP. We just never got the chance to do that. I have driven parts of it in a car, back in another lifetime.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hey, Earl - The BRP is an absolute delight; the speed limit is 45 mph (lower in some areas), the road surface is good, the scenery is spectacular, and I can't believe it isn't heavy with traffic, considering the Great Smokey Mountain National Park (the most visited NP in the country) is relatively close.

The fog is interesting - knowing that someone isn't going to come up behind you at 80mph takes a lot of the concern out of the low visibility. And in areas where it lifts, the scenery around it is dramatic and moody.

Sorry to hear about that 4-letter word (W-*-R-K). When you are anticipating something BIG, the time can drag - hope it moves swiftly for you. Keep marking off the days!

Best wishes,