Saturday, July 27, 2024

It's a dry day, but...


The front of the motorhome was just nasty-looking, thanks to the rain running through the large tree that is over the top of us...


That's why I said that the hood and front cap of the motorhome looked like it was stained with tea: all that rain running through the leaves and the residue dripping down on us.  Joan scrubbed the hood and grill, I used a long-handled brush to get the top cap.  There is no doubt that the roof of the motorhome is as messy as the hood was - I will wait until we're about ready to head out before I do anything with that.

One of us, and I won't mention who, but it wasn't me, decided that the now clean hood of the coach needed a coat of wax to keep it from getting stained (really, it was ugly).  She asked what I had for wax... the easiest is a spray wax made for automotive finishes (I also have a paste wax that is a LOT more work).  Yes, she waxed the hood, fenders, front doors, and cabin door.  It looks great.  I can't speak for her, but I am tired just writing about what she did.

This afternoon will be a shopping day.  No, not for anything fun (like Tail of the Dragon t-shirts), but for groceries, paper products, and a stop a PetSmart to get Murphy stocked up.  It will be 4 weeks tomorrow since we left Arizona; Joan had scoped out the area to make sure there is a Walmart and a PetSmart in the nearby next town.

Dry, but overcast; it keeps the heat down, but adds to the humidity.  The high today is supposed to be 80º - far less than what we left behind in AZ, but we still have to run the A/C a lot to keep the humidity down.


The next door neighbors pulled out this morning.  They were a very quiet older (that's relative) couple with a dog that was nearly blind and didn't bark... my idea of good neighbors.  Now, the uncertainty of who (and what) will pull in next.  With us being rather "exposed" on this site - our patio door faces the interior road and the "yard" is narrow.  That means: if I am outside, say walking Murphy, anyone walking by feels I am fair game for discussion.  That has not been the case with the neighbors on the other side of us, who just pulled out... they are friendly and say, "Hi," when they see us come and go... and that's enough. 

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