Sunday, July 21, 2024



Another day of on and off rain.  We decided to take the car and get out and about... and headed towards the Tail of the Dragon.  The plan (at some point) is to ride that on the scoots; it is about 2 hours away, and there is no telling if or when we'll get a dry day to make what will probably be a 6 hour trip on the scoots.

So, we're headed for the Dragon.  I could write about it, but decided to do another video of the drive today.  Here's the "recon"...


On the other hand, we did stop at the two motorcycle places on either side of the road at Deal's Gap... and picked up a couple t-shirts.  So, when we can get there with the scoots, we can skip that part.  ;-)

Back into Maggie Valley around 3:30 and a late lunch/early supper at a Mexican restaurant.

Thunder rumbling as the storm gets close to us at 9:30 this evening.  Flash flood warnings on TV - I had to look up the county we're in... not us.  But, looking at radar, there is a cell about to move right over us.

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