Monday, July 22, 2024

I see a bar...



"Over thar."

It's a game we used to play when I was in Boy Scouts.

We got out on the scoots today.  No video or cameras set up on the bikes.  Just Joan and I getting out for a ride.  It rained a bit this morning, and we looked at hourly forecasts and radar - it looked like we would have a 3 to 4 hour break, so we planned our day around that.

The ride: covering some of what we did before when riding "the Rattler)...

That road is twistier than it looks on the map.  No destination in mind, just a general direction (between the rain cells that were showing on radar).  Hardly any other traffic and good roads.  My butt was happy to be on the scoots again.  We were out for several hours, and it was enough.

On the way back, less than 100' in front of us, a black bear ran across the road.  While we have seen bears while working in the Tetons and Yellowstone, I think this is the first time we've seen one while riding.  He scampered across the road, then climbed a fairly steep, rocky cliff.  Like Spiderman.  If Spiderman was in a bear suit.  Yes, we slowed down - I didn't want any bear surprises.

No surprises of any sort the rest of the way back, just some fun riding.  A quick stop for a photo with my phone.

Yes, we got back before any rain came our way.  In fact, Joan is sitting outside right now with Murphy... I think this is the longest stretch with no rain we've seen in days.  We'll take it!


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