Monday, July 29, 2024



It rained.  Not all day, just a couple hours in the morning, then a couple more.  There was actually a couple periods of sunshine that lasted for a while.  But, not reliable enough that we wanted to venture out on the scoots.  We did go out for lunch and stopped to pick up a few necessities.

Murphy got a couple outings, between the rain showers.  As I mentioned before, there are a lot of people walking dogs here.  We're used to people and their pets in campgrounds and RV parks, but I mean a lot of dogs.  I have been keeping Murphy on our site, but I don't think he's too keen to explore further out.  Yet.  We spent some time just sitting in chairs on our site while people walked by with dogs.  Murph keeps an eye on them and tries to make himself smaller as the dogs go by.  No barking or growling today, so it was good for Murphy to see that all dogs aren't out to get him.


Yep, that is a long cat when he stretches out (above).  Just taking in all the activity (below).

He is generally on "high alert" when we are outside, but he still wants to get out there.  I try to make each outing a good experience to build on... but loud vehicles and snarly dogs set him back... and then we work for another positive outing.  He's doing good.

Considering the less than stellar weather, we're doing good, too.


Earl49 said...

I'm glad that Murphy is getting some outdoor time, even if there are *YUK* dogs around. His caution is warranted. We will be only 86° today, breaking a string of triple digits. Tons of wildfire smoke too. But the triples will be back by this weekend. Hope you get more good riding in.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Earl. We try to get Murphy out regularly - it would be nice if Mother Nature would cut us some slack... he does not like to get his paws wiped when we come back into the motorhome.

Cool for a day - hope you were able to enjoy it. More obstacles to riding: see today's post.