Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Preview...


I shot some video yesterday while out on the scoots with friends Dan and Candace.  We had a nice ride in the afternoon, stopped for lunch in Bryson City, then got out on the Blue Ridge Parkway to ride a section of that.

Back in Maggie Valley, we parted company and headed back to the motorhome.  Later, Dan and Candace picked us up in their car for a tour of Waynesville, the closest city where we'll be doing our shopping, and another meal out.  That "tour" included an excursion up a twisty road that got narrower as we climbed... and eventually came to a gate across the road to a private residence.  We were only a little lost.  Nice couple, good company.

My Verizon/Visible connection here is on the slow side of what we usually get, so I let the AI do a very short video for a preview of what our rides will be over the next month while we're here...

The Beat the Heat gathering of scooter riders will be Monday through Thursday next week; we're here for a month.  This preview is from a short piece of the 469 mile long Blue Ridge Parkway.


Joan and I got out riding for a few hours today, enjoying more of the Blue Ridge Parkway.  What an easy-going, delightful ride: speed limits of 25 to 45 mph, nice sweeping curves, great road surface, and gorgeous views.  I did not take a video camera; just busted out the Nikon for a few still images...

The riding was relaxed and about 20º cooler than down in Maggie Valley.  At one view turn out, there was a guy on a bicycle.  He said to us, "This is what I saw around the next curve in the direction you're heading"... it was a photo of a bear standing by the side of the road.  No, we did not see the bear as we drove past.

The silhouettes of the mountains in the distance goes on and on.  It is very lush here with the trees and vegetation, and the roadway and area around it is kept up nicely.

Another good "tune-up" day of riding.

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