Thursday, July 18, 2024

Another day, another ride...


... and more spotty rain.  Our timing was good - the rain held off until shortly after we got back to the motorhome.

Yes, that road (above and below photos) is dry!

 Just Joan and me today.  We did stop by the motel where the scooter folks are staying - a small group going out.  We planned to be back to the motorhome sooner than they would be back, so we wished them all good-bye and good luck, and headed off on our own.  Things are definitely winding down for the group today; many have already left or were packing up when we swung by.

Elk! (above)

I have some video to download, but it will be short - some other things to do today: it is somebody's birthday... I won't mention any names, but it is me.  With more rain in the forecast for the next week or so, Joan suggested we rent a car and do more touring about in a conveyance where we can stay dry and not try to "time it."  Good plan.  Enterprise is supposed to come to the RV park to pick us up - we'll see how that plays out.

We did have lunch out while on the ride, but I am told there is some Italian food on the menu for this evening.


The video from today's ride...



The guy from Enterprise arrived to pick us up a couple minutes early.  We went back to their office, did the paperwork, and we were off.  The rental is a Chevy TrailBlazer... it's a very decent small SUV.  Not as peppy as our Equinox with the turbo, but nicely appointed, comfortable, and very dry in the rain.  Yes, it started raining again just as we got into the car.  By the time we got to the Italian restaurant where we had planned my birthday supper, the rain was pounding.  Always fun trying to find where everything is (like the wipers) in a different vehicle.

This was quite possibly the best Italian food we've ever had.  Or, maybe we were hungry?  Nah, it really was outstanding.  We ordered lasagna and a pizza (they advertised real NY style pizza), split and still had plenty to take home.  And, the waitress brought us a cannoli and a tiramisu as a birthday treat!  A nice way to end an outstanding meal.

Then, back to the motorhome (where the rain had quit, then started up again) where I opened cards while Joan recorded video to send to Steph.  I am having a very good celebration!


Earl49 said...

Happy One More Revolution Around the Sun Day! Sounds like a nice day overall, with good riding, good food, and a dry car ride. We've had good experiences with Enterprise over the years. What's the line from the movie? "Leave the gun, take the cannoli". I claim 17 bonus points.

The heat continues unabated here. Another day of triple digits, and no relief in sight. And plenty of smoke from huge wildfires in adjoining states too. But our AC is working like a champ.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - that line is from the movie The Godfather - you get the bonus points for using the line, I should get some for knowing the source. ;-)

Sorry about the heat your are experiencing. It was 66º when I got up this morning; high today of 76º... a bit humid, but it doesn't suck. Rain showers predicted for this afternoon, all through the night and all day tomorrow. 'Tis a good time to have a car. And how often do you get to use "'tis"?