Friday, July 12, 2024



If you said, "David Bowie, 1971, from the album Hunky Dory," you get 20 bonus points.  Partial credit given if you just knew David Bowie.

Our first night in the campground at our destination.  I think I slept good... thought I heard the start of sprinkles on the roof, but it was a bird.  When I got up at 7:00 this morning (that is sleeping-in for me), it was 59º outside.  59º... I haven't seen 59º since last winter.

When Joan got up, it was still 59ª - she said, "I should have brought a vest to wear under my motorcycle jacket."  When it is 110º, it is hard to think about layering.  ;-)  We both brought jackets with and without liners, so I think we're good.  But... 59º.

Joan opened the door so Murphy could look out through the screen.  That seems to be his new favorite place in the coach.

It felt a bit ch-ch-ch-chilly. 


Out for an afternoon of riding with Dan and Candace today...

I'll post a short video later - heading out for supper with Dan and Candace (we spent time riding with them in the Black Hills a few years ago).


Earl49 said...

Ahhh.... off the road for a while. Much new riding on the horizon. Reasonable non-furnace temperatures. And Murphy adapting to the new circumstances. He will soon be famous as "the cat on a leash" in NC. Life is good.

At the moment is it 66° at the house as the sun rises and I have the windows open with the whole house fan going for an hour or so. I want to get the house pre-chilled by a couple of degrees before securing it. Only 105° forecast for today.

Alice called last night. She had a very long day of air travel on WED, but is already having fun at the flute orchestra in Boston. There are 12 or 13 contrabass flutes there (!!) part of about 85 flutes in the ensemble of pro-grade players. I will email a link to concert video once it gets posted. They were pretty good last year. Some of the players are encouraging her to be part of a month-long tour of Switzerland next year. Big Flutes on Tour...

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

A month long flute tour! Do you get to go along as her roadie?

Nice that you get a fresh start in the morning for that heat!

Murph says he is happier "flying under the radar." We'll see.

Earl49 said...

Hopefully, Mr. Murphy will come out of his shell as he gets more experience. But maybe he just isn't the social butterfly that Rufus was.

My idea of Hades is air travel,. I have often said that given a choice between a flight and the same time spent in a dental chair, I'd take the dentist -- Novocaine optional. Now let me tell you how I really feel.... There is zero chance that I would go to Europe with Alice, assuming that she goes. I need to stay home with the "kids" anyway. I have turned down $30K minimum of billable work each of the past nine years if it required flying somewhere. AUG 15 is the ninth anniversary of LAST EVER airline flight, for any reason. It left that strong of an impression.

Glad you got out riding.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I feel you, Earl - I have no desire to fly commercial these days. I don't see anything changing in that industry to make it better.

Murphy is very different from Rufus, as you saw when you were here. He seems to be adapting to this travel stuff, but we are going to be in one spot now for a while. I can tell he misses having "room to run", but he has established a "race course" within the motorhome. Friends came by this evening to pick us up to go out for supper - they came inside and Murphy was not shy about meeting them - better than I expected. Something new each day.