Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Quest For Food...


No, we're not going hungry.  Murphy has some food allergies, so he gets prescription food.  It's available at PetSmart, and we stocked up on it before we left home.  Joan had researched the area, and saw that there is a PetSmart in the town adjacent to where we are staying, so we were comfortable in knowing that we didn't have to have a couple months of food with us.

And then we went to that PetSmart... and they don't have a vet there, nor any prescription food.  Joan found a PetSmart in Ashville (about 30 miles away) that does have it in stock.  With today's weather forecast being for occasional rain (no big surprise), we decided to make it a car trip... after I made breakfast on the griddle and showers.  No hurry, so we didn't head out until after Murph got lunch.

A lot of traffic on the Interstate between here and Ashville; several slow-downs along the way, for no apparent reason.  Joan had our route mapped to a PetSmart there, and we picked up enough of Murphy's food to get us back home.  The boy has no food-insecurities.

A stop at Walmart, because it was nearby.  On the way home, we discussed food for our bellies... Joan suggested we wait until we get back to Maggie Valley and eat at the Italian restaurant that we enjoyed on my birthday.  Excellent suggestion!

Yeah, we got rained on a couple times on the way there; I do like having a car (also made it easy to carry 24 cans of Murph's food).  The food and service at the restaurant was just as good as our first visit, and plenty of left-overs for another couple meals.

Back at the motorhome, Murphy got a treat (because he is such a good boy), then I took him outside.  He went into his catio on his own...

A couple dogs being walked went by, but Murphy felt safe in his Catio of Invisibility.  We stayed out there until the rain started up (first sign of it here), then back into the coach.

It is now late afternoon, but might be an OK time for us all to get in a short nap.  An easy schedule, another non-riding day.

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