Sunday, July 7, 2024

And the beat goes on...

If you said, "Sonny & Cher, 1967," you get 3 bonus points.  Come on, everybody knows that one.

We keep plugging along.  Yes, we got out of that sketchy RV park from last night.  Had breakfast at a Whataburger (it's a Texas thing), then got down the road.  I thought I was being smart by scheduling plenty of time to get to our destination... but, no - this is a little bit like driving a support vehicle for the Scooter Cannonball, except those people ride more each day than we are traveling.

We are covering about 5 hours on the road each day, making 250 to 280 miles a day.  We stop at rest areas to do what you stop at rest areas for and give me the chance to take a walk around the rig and check tires, hubs, etc.  And look inside the cargo trailer to make sure the bikes are still strapped in place.  All good so far.

This give us plenty of time to visit.  There is a chance that this will be our last long distance drive to haul the bikes somewhere for good riding.  No, we are not giving up riding or RVing, just considering a change.  We are in agreement on this.  No problems on this trip... but we are looking forward to enjoying the journey as well as the destination, and this trip has been about the destination.  Plus, I was looking to get out of the Arizona heat.  Which we did.  And got into the New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas heat.  So far.  Tomorrow we'll be into the Tennessee heat.  ;-)

So, we'll see how this plays out after we do some riding in North Carolina.

We haven't been stopping to do touristy things along the way - that will probably happen on our way back to Arizona.

So, we've been seeing things from the road.  Arkansas is heavily wooded.

Down for the day mid-afternoon.  Tonight's RV park is a definite upgrade from last night's...

All utilities hooked up.  A/C is keeping us cool in the 91º heat.  Murphy sat on our laps much of the ride today, but seems to enjoy the bathroom counter once we are down...

We have more than a few photos of Rufus in that same spot (although he liked to look at himself in the mirror); no, I don't know what the attraction is.  But, he seems to enjoy that spot.


Earl49 said...

We've had cats that looked at themselves in the mirror and others who could not care less. Some watched TV and others didn't. I'm glad that Murphy seems to be adapting well to the road.

TN heat will be oppressive too, and humid. A friend from Alaska moved there to take a job once she finished grad school. After a lifetime in AK she was floored by the heat index. But she loves Tennessee -- as long as the AC works.

We are set for the first of several triple digit days today. It "only" got to 98° yesterday so that doesn't count. There are always a few days each summer when the Boise temp and the Phoenix temps match. That is hot for us and cooler for PHX. Alice's band has a concert in the park tonight, which is well shaded and on grass. It will still be HOT. Two weeks ago it was a very pleasant 85°.

Safe travels and good riding once you settle!

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Earl. Less than 300 miles to go, but we can't get into the campground until Thursday.

Murph is doing good, but this is a real change from his daily routine. More lap-sitting for him again today.

Hot here in Tennessee, too. We're just east of Nashville and in the upper 90s today. Rain and thunderstorms from the remnants of Beryl tomorrow - we should be just east of that.

Have fun with Alice's band concert!