Monday, July 15, 2024

Group Ride...


Out on a group ride today.  When we looked at the intended destination, it was about 51 miles away... we apparently took the scenic route, covering about 140 miles.

It started with people breaking off into different groups, starting at the motel where most are staying...

 We broke off into a half dozen groups with at least 3 of us going to the same "destination" (lunch stop), but taking different routes to get there.

Here's one shot from the ride, there will be a video coming at some point...

Lunch was at a shop that had all kinds of fresh fruit and baked goods, as well as BBQ.  We sat at picnic tables with some of the people on our ride... interesting getting to meet people that we only know through the scooter forum.  Getting ready to head out after lunch...

The ride took us on all kinds of 2-lane twisty roads that were not apparent on the riding map we have.  To be fair, not apparent on many maps... one of the nice thing about riding with this group is getting an introduction to rides that are definitely "off the beaten path."  Not dirt or gravel riding, just fun 2-lanes; many of which were like a canopy with the tall trees overhead.

We stopped for a break after lunch at a park off one of those roads, and were soon joined by another one of the groups, making for a bunch of scoots parked there...

No, it is not "Sturgis kinda parking," but it was fun seeing all the different scoots people are riding.

Rolling once again, more twisty roads... these people are wearing us out.  We thought this might be a 2-hour ride, but it turned into nearly 5 hours.  We stopped one more time to take in a waterfall that most of our group missed, because it is right at a tight curve...

We broke off from the group about 10 miles from the motel starting point so Joan and I could go to the grocery store.  She had filled a small grocery cart with what we need - I wasn't sure we were going to get everything into the underseat storage on our scoots, but... yep, it all fit; no need to strap anything to the seats.

Back to the campground for us.  Joan was notified that she had an Amazon package waiting in the office - I went into pick that up while she went on to our motorhome... just as the sprinkles started.  Sure beats riding in the rain that was predicted.  And more of that rain predicted the rest of the week, with percentages increasing each day.  We'll see how that plays out... we do not like riding in the rain.



Trying something different with the video today: wanting to keep it simple, I mounted the DJI Osmo Action 4 camera on top of my Nolan helmet.  The perspective is good, keeping the view higher than when I use the chin mount on my Schuberth helmet.  But, without using a second camera (like one of the 360 cameras), it makes for just one point of view.


Earl49 said...

As usual I am enjoying your rides vicariously. Very cool stuff! I hope that Murphy was fine when 6you got back home after a long day alone.

I leave for Sun Valley in the morning for two days of field work and meetings. Measuring noise levels in 96° heat -- yay.

We have never ridden that eastern part of the country. Most of our group rides were in Alaska as part of the local GWRRA chapter in Anchorage -- before I was blackballed by the national organization. But that's OK; I have been kicked out of better clubs than that. :-)

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - I have to ask: what did you do to get blackballed by a national GW organization?? You can tell me it was "politically motivated" and I won't pry. ;-)

You are correct: yesterday was as long as Murphy has been by himself since we've had him. His lunch was on a timer, so he was covered for that, but he seemed happy to see us. He isn't walking much here - when we take him outside, inevitably something loud will drive by, and he does not like that. He really enjoys sitting by the door (door open, screen door shut), looking at the world outside. He can see it all, but in relative safety from the perceived cat-killers.

We are not into group riding. This was an enjoyable day, but we prefer to go at our own pace and pick where we want to stop. No problems or issues with the group - all very nice people (I don't think I've been blackballed). When Joan said she wanted to ride The Dragon, I was surprised, but it seemed a good alternative to going to the Black Hills this summer. I've enjoyed socializing with people I've only known on-line. SO MANY interesting roads, and the scenery is lush and beautiful.

We are taking a day off today (Tuesday). I may do a short solo ride, but Joan wants to get laundry done. Even in the middle of "vacation", life goes on.

Good luck with the job in Sun Valley. Stay cool and hydrate frequently.