Thursday, July 25, 2024

Like living in a snare drum...


It started raining last night; rained all through the night.  Still raining when we got up this morning.  Our motorhome has a fiberglass roof.  Decent insulation for an RV.  We are water-tight, but that constant pounding of the rain on the roof is wearing.

Surprisingly, Murphy is taking it all in stride.  He does not like some loud noises... like when a loud pickup goes by.  But he didn't have a problem with fireworks on the 4th of July, and hasn't been concerned with the pounding of the rain.  The noise woke me up a couple times during the night, but Murphy was asleep on his pad at the foot of the bed each time we checked on him.  He is sitting on a pad beside me in the dinette right now...

 Yeah, he is dozing.  I think I'm gonna need a nap, too.


Along about 2:00, the rain let up and we went out for lunch.  Big decisions: Italian, a sandwich shop, or Grandma food?  We drove through town, Joan didn't want to make a decision, so I went for the Italian place.  Not the same one we went to last week, but this one also got decent reviews.

Joan ordered a calzone, I went for fettuccine alfredo.  The food was good... the waitress was not.  I got soup and bread with my fettuccine, but I had to ask for it after she brought out my entree.  The place wasn't busy; this young lady spent most of her time visiting with someone at the front counter who ordered food to go... instead of taking care of the two tables with guests.  On the bright side, we have leftovers for supper, and I won't feel the need to go back to this one.  Too bad, because Joan declared this "The best calzone I've ever had."

Yeah, it was raining on our drive back to the campground.  Not pounding, though.  Our poor coach is skanky looking on the outside, being parked under a big tree... with the rain coming down through those leaves, it is like green tea on the white hood of the motorhome.  It is going to need a thorough scrubbing.

The weather weasels are now calling for only a 30% chance of rain for tomorrow; it has been 70% or more for days.  There's hope!

Murphy looking out the window...


It had stopped raining, so this evening, Murphy got to go outside on his leash.  It was pretty quiet out there, so we spent a half hour walking around our site.  This has been like starting over with the leash again, since he had months of no leash in our yard (with the 6' wall around it).  He is catching on again... he doesn't pull on the leash and he takes some guidance with a gentle nudge on the leash.  He's not just a sweet boy, he's a good boy.

A couple times, people came by with dogs; I picked him up and let him look without any concern.  No fuss.  We're not ready for nose-to-nose meetings, yet, but I think he understands that I am looking out for him.

Here's a shot of Murph on the running board on the motorhome...

It has been interesting watching him get used to grass.  We have a section of artificial turf in our yard, but no real grass.  A time of discovery.  :-)


Earl49 said...

Some of my best nights sleep ever were under a rainy roof, even in a tent or our camper. Soothing. But I suppose your boat and RV experience has programmed you to worry about the weather. Follow Murphy's fine example. Wish I could - it is going to be a long busy day.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - I have no issue with a gentle rain on the roof of the motorhome - this seems like it has been pounding for days. In reality, there have been hours of no rain between the hours of rain. It has been on-going since we got here. I could use a few days of sunshine; but, yes, Murph is a ray of sunshine. ;-)

Count the days, my friend... the end is in sight for those long workin' days!