Saturday, July 20, 2024

Yep. Rain...


"If the rain comes, they run and hide their heads..."

If you said, "The Beatles, 1966, it was the B-side, with Paperback Writer as the A-side," you get 10 bonus points. 

It has been raining here for what seems like days.  Because, it has been days.  Are we "feeling blue" because of all the precip?  Nope, we're doing fine.  Having the rental car has made all the difference.  The first day, we went out for my birthday supper in the pounding rain.  Yesterday, we drove through The Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Today, we drove into Wayne's World (Waynesville) to have breakfast at Beach Mountain Diner (rated 5 stars with a bunch of ratings), then to WallyWorld.

When we pulled up to Beach Mountain Diner, there were quite a few people standing outside... yep, there is going to be a wait.  Plenty of parking, so I went in while Joan waited in the car (yes, still raining).  Six parties ahead of us on the sign-up sheet.  When I asked, the guy who I assume is the owner said, "Maybe 15 minutes - it goes pretty fast."  I decided it would be worth the wait and went to get Joan.

When we got seated, a delightful young lady named Jessica took our order; she said, "The cooks here are awesome - and fast."  She was right: this place deserves that 5-star rating.  Jessica was great at multi-tasking while she took care of everyone in her area.  It's on the far side of Waynesville, but we will come back here again.

Across the street to the Blue Ridge Bookstore... Joan had seen that name online as handling a motorcycle map of the area, with good detail on the back roads.  It was not this bookstore, but the young lady in there got on the computer to see if she could order the map (nope).

On to Wally World.  It's nice having a car, so we can stock up on some things (like the Breeze pellets for Murphy's litter box) that would take up a lot of room on a scooter.  The store was well stocked and we got everything on Joan's list.  Then, headed back to the motorhome (in the rain) in time to get Murphy his lunch.

By the time we got home, it had stopped raining.  A bit too muddy to take Murphy out, but Joan put out the awning (to divert the drips off the tree that spreads out over the coach) so we could leave the door open so Murphy can look out the screen door...

We do what we need to do to keep the furry boy content.  It stopped raining for a bit this afternoon and the sun actually appeared for a bit.

I'm told the weasels put in that "58%" when they have no idea what to expect.  Our Phoenix weasels go with "2%".


Earl49 said...

I'll take your forecast any time -- rain and all. We are in a long string of triple digit days here, with 107° for today. Maybe by Thursday it will "cool" to only 99°. It stayed too warm overnight to open windows and run the whole-house fan. That usually buys a couple of degrees of pre-cooling to help the AC start later. But no....

My Hawaiian buddy came over yesterday an we ran through our set for the festival on AUG 03. It will hot that day too. After our performance, I am teaching ukulele and slack-key guitar workshops later that afternoon. We're going to a friend's for the afternoon to jam and eat, so it's been a musical weekend so far.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - I'm not saying it rains a lot here, but some of the RVs that are here for the season are getting a "green patina" on the fiberglass. Murphy hasn't been able to go outside for a couple days - once you step off our patio mat, it is like a bog. Not sure which is better: your heat or this wet.

Have fun at the festival!