Monday, July 8, 2024

So I told you how crappy the roads were in New Mexico...


Tennessee heard that and said, "Hold my beer."  The roads here in Ten-o-see are bi-polar: they're either decent or gawd-awful... I would guess the proportion to be 60% good, 40% seriously nasty.  We came across "Potholes Ahead" signs 3 different times on I-40 today... instead of sending someone out to put up signs, why not take action fix the damn potholes??  And, they go across the whole lane, so you can't slalom your way through them.  The 3 of us and the motorhome took a beatin' today.

We left Arkansas this morning, heading towards Memphis (TN).  The roads were full of utility company trucks, often running in caravans, heading west.  No doubt they are on their way to the Houston area, where Hurricane Beryl made a mess of things...

Different power companies (based on the logos on their doors), all moving to where the need is.  We've seen this in the past... it is Texas's turn this time, but Mother Nature will spread the misery around, and you'll see Texas utility trucks on their way to help in the future.

I-40 runs through Memphis, then takes a northeasterly turn to Nashville.  Coming up on Memphis, we cross the Mississippi River...

Then, Memphis...

And the big pyramid that is Bass Pro...

This is one of our longer drives today for this trip.  Not far out of Memphis, there was a wreck between an 18-wheeler and a small car.  The truck wound up on its side in the median, and the car got just a glancing blow; it backed up traffic for a while...

The roads continued with their good/bad routine.  Plenty of traffic as we made our way through Nashville (population 1.3 million); we timed it so we were going through well before rush hour(s).  I was tired when we rolled into tonight's campground, a KOA east of Nashville.

Joan was feeling the need, so I helped carry laundry to the laundromat here in the park.  I made one more trip mid-way to pick up the clothes she didn't want to dry, then she brought back the rest when they were done.

Murph got a late lunch, Joan made us supper, and now we can relax a bit.  We took Murphy outside for a bit; on his leash.  He's very curious about all the different sights, sounds, and smells.  There is a little bit of grass between the sites at this KOA, so he got to check that out.  Then back inside, where he can keep the coach safe from any marauding birds...

Less than 300 miles to go to our destination campground; we can't get in there until Thursday, so we have a shorter day tomorrow, where we'll stay in another RV park for two nights.  We're getting close.

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