Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Where do you go to buy a farmer?


Yes, the farmers' market.  Apparently, I am wrong about that, but wanted to go to the Farmers' Market in Ashville today.  It looked like it was going to rain (we got fooled - it didn't; just stayed gray all day), so we day-tripped it in the car today.

We've been to this farmers' market before; not this trip, but when we were here in 2017.  It is BIG and the buildings are permanent...


Big garage doors that open to move produce in/out, and to keep it open when the weather is cooperative.  This set of buildings is a couple blocks long, and there are multiple buildings.  Some look to be for large wholesale sales, but I think the public is welcome there, as well.  We spent more time in the buildings that have multiple vendors.

We did not come home empty-handed.

Lunch out.  On the way back to the campground, we passed a DQ sign on the Interstate.  I have been a good boy with my blood sugar, so I suggested a stop.  Joan was onboard, so we had to loop around to get back to it.  When we walked up to the door of the DQ, we saw a sign that said, "Drive Up Only."  No counter service.  Back to the car and around to the drive up.  I think the woman who said, "I'll be right with you..." and then didn't come back for quite a while, must be taking the orders, making the food, and running the drive-up window.  Pretty sure the people in the car in front of us ordered chicken.  (It's a family joke: chicken is always the thing that takes the longest to cook, so don't order that if you're in a hurry.)  When she finally came back, we ordered a Peanut Buster Parfait each and drove around to the window.

This is the first time I've had a Peanut Buster Parfait that had more Spanish peanuts and hot fudge than ice cream.  Neither of us cared to get to the bottom where there was an inch of hot fudge with an inch of crushed peanuts on top of that... but the ice cream above it was already eaten.  I won't need another one of those for a very long time.


Murphy and I were out for a short walk this evening...


He's a sweet boy.  Before Joan took that photo, she said, "Murphy's tail is standing upright" - that's a sign that he is happy and confident.  We are still taking "baby steps" with the walking; loud noises (like a pickup with a loud exhaust going by on that road we're standing by) do concern him.  But, he is happy to get outside.


Earl49 said...

Good to see Murphy getting out and about. We worry....

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

No need to worry. Murph gets plenty of attention while in the motorhome. There are a lot of people here who walk their dogs... Murphy is not a fan. So, we try to pick our times to get out. With all the rain, Murph seems happier looking out the door instead of being "out there."