Sunday, June 7, 2020

Feeling nostalgic...

Remember the "good ol' days"?  You know, like 4 months ago when you could still go to a movie, a ballgame, or out to a restaurant?  Without masks and the concern that someone might breathe on you and kill you?  Yeah, those were the good ol days.  ;-)

Another "stayin' at home video" - this song makes me smile.  It was (supposedly) written by Paul McCartney when he was 15 or 16 years old.  At that age, none of us were thinking what it would be like when we made it to 64.  IF we made it to 64.  That's age 64, not 1964.

I have been playing this song for over 40 years.  Off and on.  For those who thought the Blonde would come to her senses years ago... I'm looking at 64 in the rear view mirror, and she's still my Valentine.

Before recording this, I puttered around on the guitar a bit... put together some chords for a "yesteryear" feeling, and sent the Spire track off to Mark to see if he has any interest in putting some words to it.  He has written some very clever lyrics on the last couple songs.  Our originals don't follow any pattern for how they get written... sometimes he will write words and music, sometimes I will.  Sometimes you feel it, sometimes you don't.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy When I'm 64... another look back at the "good ol' days."  :-)


And you thought these had no value?

I got out to pick up the scooter tag today (the game was moving fast), and posted my tag...

Your scooter with a pink flamingo... or other kitschy lawn ornament.  It's mostly just an excuse to get out and ride.

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