Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Strawberry Moon...

A full moon on Friday evening...

I haven't taken a full moon image for a couple months, so it was time.  This was taken as the moon was just barely above the horizon, accounting for the tint.

The name, Strawberry Moon, originated with Algonquin tribes in eastern North America who knew it as a signal to gather the ripening fruit of wild strawberries.  (from the Old Farmers Almanac)

You'd have to look close, but this month's full moon is a bit less bright than usual, because the moon is just barely in the shadow of the Earth.  Not enough to be a lunar eclipse, but a penumbral eclipse that will be more noticeable in eastern Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and Australia.

It will still have the same "weirdness" effect if you are out ignoring social distancing this weekend.  For those keeping track, virus cases are on the rise locally, with more cases in the 20 to 40 year old demographic.


Hudson River Boater said...

The Rentals brought COVID to the Locals..

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I'm hoping it doesn't play out that way, but I would surely imagine that people NOT socially distancing on the beach spread it around. Our local culture is pretty big on gatherings. Masks? Not since the policy changed from required to recommended. We are able to keep to ourselves.